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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle. Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard. nah. i'm not that far. only at the end of chapter 2 (i think). game leaves a good first impression but it just drags on and on. i will just quit if i get bored. it wouldn't be the first time i've done that (actually i do it quite often).
  2. The game really picks up when you're at the Vampires castle. Have you gotten SS yet? Game owns hard. nah. i'm not that far. only at the end of chapter 2 (i think).
  3. how much is going for now? i was gonna buy it at launch and never did :( Like ten bucks
  4. Starting to give LOS a chance. What this Castlevania game lacks in originality, it makes up for in entertainment. I like the SOTC type boss battles. I have also encountered a few cool puzzles.
  5. hmmm? some chapters have different outcomes right? im pretty sure i've screwed up a few times, especially while playing as Ethan.you may get one of the bad endings
  6. what you are to pc gaming, i am to iOS. we both play the most obscure stuff lol. I like obscure stuff, but Anno is anything but. It's hugely popular in Europe. Heck..before Crysis Anno 1701 was the most expensive game ever made in Germany And Anno 2070 has crazy, just crazy production values.my bad. i had never heard of anno. i just know you like more indie titles than the norm here.
  7. does installing gta 4 on the 360 fix all the nasty pop in and other technical issues? man..it was a mess!
  8. halo 2's campaign was awful. i never cared for the multiplayer.
  9. if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you. indeed I just looked at it like an interactive 6-8 hour movie, and it was a hell of a ride same. i had a blast, even if the story had major plot holes.
  10. what you are to pc gaming, i am to iOS. we both play the most obscure stuff lol.
  11. if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you. im still really early Spoiler at the part where ethan's wife breaks down at the police station after you lose shaun so far the highlight has been the part where you investigate the crime scene as the FBI guy. hope theres more stuff like that oh that's where it truly begins. give it another hour.
  12. if you are not into it after 2 or 3 hours, then it's not for you.
  13. hmmm that's odd. i'm only at the 7 hour mark. the last levels must be a lot longer.
  14. i'm on 9 too. it must be shorter than the other ones. i only have like 60 puzzles solved.
  15. Edit: this is technically a prequel so it's actually the first
  16. It's one of my favorite franchises. The stories are a lot of fun. Some great puzzles too. I'm really enjoying the mystery in this particular title. I can tell it's going to have a cool twist like the two games before it.
  17. grosky is such an awesome character Lol he is funny as hell! Btw, how many chapters are there?
  18. what kind of game is bastion? also the last spector is fantastic. better pacing than layton 3. it reminds me a lot of 2.
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