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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. Zwarrior saw that obesity has been trending in the US so he stopped eating.i literally laughed out loud when i read that
  2. i will stop playing games, visiting forums, and using gadgets. thanks for the breakdown, zwarrior.
  3. lol the ending was so abrupt and short. no climax of any kind. though the rest was fantastic.
  4. Nice. I wonder why review sites were so hard on it. No tacked on death match MP? probably. it's extremely campaign heavy. i barely did any side stuff (except for the ownage racers and some badass car combat) and it clocked in at around 12 hours. it reminds me of the HL games, in the sense that you were in a living, breathing, post-apocalyptic world. also, the gadgets and weapons really make certain levels easier, thus giving more incentive to use them. you can only get so far with a buck shot. i have some saves from before the end. i would like to do some more exploring and side missions.
  5. Just beat rage. Last level was a bit too easy. Still, one of the best, if not the best, FPS I've played this gen. Such a refreshing change from the halo/cod games and clones.
  6. it gets old fast good atmosphere though. should i read the manuscript pages? they basically spoil the story. tbh i don't remember them. i do remember the awesome radio show (there were some great moments in the game. i just got bored).
  7. My foot in your ass. Here is 50 Cents in my hand for English tutorials. Give them to me :( I'd give you my heart. Except Borat is acting, while Mala is a plain genius and a natural. hmmm that makes sense. mala butchering the english language is genius trolling.
  8. mala is like the borat of sw.com. i always picture borat's voice when he posts.
  9. So fear 3 is actually good?? I think I'm getting close to finishing rage. What an awesome thrill ride it's been.
  10. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with. When did I say it did, bitchboy? I'm just calling you out for being retarded like I always do. Nothings changed. There is nothing wrong about what I wrote. Faggots getting raped in the circle jerking. why don't you elaborate then on how it's grammatically correct.. this should be interesting.... Why bother? Most of these idiots consider rappers as modern poets. it's because you can't. lol "spacegoat" lol
  11. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriously Has nothing to do with spelling. Maybe you should upgrade from those shitty African books they teach you with. When did I say it did, bitchboy? I'm just calling you out for being retarded like I always do. Nothings changed. There is nothing wrong about what I wrote. Faggots getting raped in the circle jerking. why don't you elaborate then on how it's grammatically correct.. this should be interesting....
  12. i think he means you should have worded it, "Seeing your faggot face makes me WANT TO beat the shit out of you."
  13. Btw, you should take your spelling more serious. *seriouslydamn. fatality.
  14. What a gorgeous wastleland it is! Even its occasional graphic bugs and pop-in don't tarnish its world.
  15. I haven't played dirt 3 yet. however, I hear it's better, even though 2 is pretty fucking godly.
  16. Word. The game just gets better and better. I love the weapons and the shooting feels very satisfying. I just finished the prison level. Bad ass! I also like how the levels force (or at least offer much incentive) you to use different weapons and strategies. That dart where you can temporarily control a robotic character is fucking ownage!
  17. The mutant bash tv level was one of the coolest areas, reminding me of the funhouse level in max payne. I'm starting to really love this game. The car combat is also a blast. At first, I was a little disappointed with the title. Now, it's exceeding my expectations.
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