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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. dead city (from rage) that had some sick atmosphere..though i did encounter a few visual bugs. in one open area, none of the textures ever popped on. it looked like fallout 3 then when i went back to it, it looked amazing. this game is buggy. though it gets better and better as you go on. the blood running down the walls
  2. rage is growing on me. i'm starting to like it i love the detail in the different towns. the car races are fun. my shit is hooked up now
  3. So I played an hour of rage. With disk installation, the texture pop issue hardly ever occurs. The visuals are pretty damn good. The gameplay is solid and the game oozes atmosphere. However, so far, I feel like the title is a string of fetch quests. I hope this changes as things progress.
  4. Installing rage onto my 360 while I wait for Gf. Fuck this is taking forever
  5. just got my copy of rage. let's see how this flop plays. impressions coming over the weekend.
  6. lol i have a bunch of games i never bothered finishing lol.
  7. It starts off better but turns to shit after you leave the resort. that sucks.
  8. i heard the campaign in r3 is surprisingly very good. i will pick up when cheap.
  9. DMC is the black version of TJ. Don't say that. You'll hurt LL Cool TJ's feelings. :( i don't know why but i lol'd when i read that.
  10. gonna finally finish sotc. my collection just arrived at work.
  11. i'm 5'11" and weigh 175...and i'm definitely in good shape. having a good muscle tone makes clothes look better. i'm not saying go and be massive (i have decent size, but nothing bodybuilder-like). however, your clothing would be more fitting on you if you had chest/shoulder definition. otherwise, you end up looking like a shirt still on the hanger, with a head popped on. this is by no means a "hater" post, for i think you are probably a cool dude off the boards. i'm just giving friendly advice.
  12. lmfao! oh my he does remind me of him. he needs to post a macho pic asap.
  13. Holy shit at those shorts. yeah those are pretty gay. gas snake needs to redeem himself lol.
  14. man you both need to put on some muscle. zwarrior...wtf? you have the body of a 12 year old boy. gain back some weight. you looked a lot better before.
  15. I had to put aside work to finish gears. I have maybe 5 hours tops, a week, to play games at home. I got a shit load of vacation days I gotta use so I'll veg out and play rage and uc3 when they come out. These long ass RPGs will have to be put on hold.
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