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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. wrapped up gears 3. onto sotc tomorrow. i will finally be able to finish it and play it at a good framerate.
  2. i must warn you, the first hour and a half of darksiders isn't that good. however, once you hit the first dungeon, it gets fun!
  3. Aight. Gonna give it a try. I do love the set pieces. Very pretty. That portal level is darksiders was tits!
  4. Im still going to keep playing, hoping it will grab me. However, I just find it rather boring. I hope it's like darksiders, in the sense that the game takes off a few hours in.
  5. Really enjoying deus ex. As for LOS, it's not a bad game, I'm just having a hard time getting into it. Maybe I'm not as into action-adventure games as I once was. It's funny, I usually don't like stealth-heavy games, but it's fun as hell in deus ex. I will put all on hold for gears this Tuesday.
  6. I give shit to everyone. at least you are a good sport in return
  7. you know i love you mala, even if you are a bitchtit rooster
  8. lol the last time malakius was in and out of a pussy was when the town doctor pulled him out of his mother's birth canal. lol @ this guy talking like he gets some
  9. i want to get to one of those sotc type bosses, and then decide if i'll keep playing. i gotta say though, the graphics are pretty friggin good.
  10. game is filled with cheese like that. one of the reasons why it was hard for me to take the story seriously. awww man that sucks. i don't mind a game being cheesy if it's purposely poking fun at itself (puzzle agent was so bizarre and silly, that i liked it). however, you can tell the title is meant to be serious. i will invest a few more hours. if it blows, i'll just sell it.
  11. i played a little bit of LOS. it's pretty, but that talking horse made me laugh and cringe at the same time.
  12. Fuck I got owned. I need to leave the mud hut that is Miami. Thanks for the advice
  13. Typo. Fixed it now. Happy now, pms faggot. That wasn't a typo. The letters for "type" and "time" are nowhere near each other. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif Edit: I had assumed you would go back and replace the word with "time", but instead you replaced it with "day." Typo. Fixed it now. Happy now, pms faggot. That wasn't a typo. The letters for "type" and "time" are nowhere near each other. http://systemwars.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/Smileys/laugh.gif Edit: I had assumed you woul
  14. "time" is the word you are looking for damn, even his correction flopped.
  15. and what's up with those scrawny arms? instead of malakius..he should be called malnourished.
  16. mala looks like a rooster LOL. i guess it's true when people call him a cock here.
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