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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. because i like action-adventure. i know they abandoned the castlevania feel.
  2. i picked up castlevania for ps3. i have no clue when i'll get to it, but it was too cheap to pass up. i know many people hated on it, but i like action-adventure games, so i'm sure i'll find some enjoyment with it.
  3. I don't know anyone that has been playing games for more than 1 year can have trouble with the controls. They're basically Halo controls. lol word. i don't know why people were complaining about the controls, unless it's the ps3 version in specific (i have the 360 one). btw, is hacking a major part of the game? i'm not a huge fan of it. i do, however, enjoy crawling through air ducts and sneaking up on people for stealth kills. Yeah honestly you want to have at least level 3 hacking ability. You can probably beat the game without hacking once though. Do you get how the hacking works though? At
  4. I don't know anyone that has been playing games for more than 1 year can have trouble with the controls. They're basically Halo controls. lol word. i don't know why people were complaining about the controls, unless it's the ps3 version in specific (i have the 360 one). btw, is hacking a major part of the game? i'm not a huge fan of it. i do, however, enjoy crawling through air ducts and sneaking up on people for stealth kills.
  5. i started playing deus ex. game is tight. i actually don't mind the controls.
  6. i fucked miranda over jack. my digital dick told me to do so. oh well.
  7. i lost like 4 or 5 people lol. jack was one of them ;( playing deus ex this weekend. i hope to get in at least a good 10 hours.
  8. yeah i even seen some vids. the lighting is simply incredible!
  9. i want to play metro ;( when my comp dies, and i'm forced to get a new one, i'll get one with power. probably gonna pick up dues ex today after work
  10. dirt 2 owned hard, so i can't say i'm surprised. yo tb, check your PMs
  11. debating whether or not to get deus ex for my 360. it looks great, but i don't know if i'll have the time to finish at least one play through. though it would keep me busy until rage comes out. i finished puzzle agent. weird game. fun though, even if short and flawed. contre jour is godly. imagine limbo's art design mixed with cut the rope's gameplay.
  12. i've been slacking on updating pics. please post the pics i haven't gotten to. i'll add them. first up is zwarrior.
  13. They own in their own way. Not everything is about architectural beauty. There are clubs in Moldova that can rival anything you can find in D.C. http://www.cricova.md/en/main.html Moldova has the world's largest underground winery. That shit is miles long and you tour by train. fucking ownage!
  14. i never said you were the only one who does it. quite a few peeps here do it. i have singled them out too, at one point or another. it was your turn. all is good now.
  15. puzzle agent isn't half bad so far. goofy characters and story, but a few interesting puzzles already. it's definitely a poor man's layton, but for a buck, it's a rather good deal. oh nyxquest owned. get it for wiiware, pc, or iphone if you can get it for cheap.
  16. My insults are nothing more than my way of showing your hypocrisy. If it affects you that much is because I am truly speaking the truth. There are a handful of posters that are genuinely honest and even if they troll I can see they are harmless. On the opposite spectrum there are the complete tools who follow whatever the king troll desires what to do. They are just mere trolls. lol you find every possible way to trash people here. it's kind of pathetic. it's far more than you showing the "hypocrisy" here. personally, i don't care. i just find it funny, so i decided to point it out. i hope in
  17. i have never trashed zwarrior. you just find any reason to hate. your self-loathing has manifested itself into you overcompensating with any insult you can come up with, which are usually rather lame.
  18. thanks bro btw i was kidding about that being an expensive drink. that's house-made wine that sells for $.80 a liter lollol
  19. lol those are some awesome pics/back stories, brown walrus.
  20. It's pretty addictive. On my day off, I played it for about 14 hours in a single sitting.nice! what's it selling for? and yeah tb, i heard PA is very inconsistent.
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