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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. damn i loved braid. dreamfall is good, but i liked the longest journey more. Isn't Dreamfall = Longest Jouirney? dreamfall is the sequel. and syberia 1 and 2 are great, though 1 is better.
  2. damn i loved braid. dreamfall is good, but i liked the longest journey more.
  3. the inventory is accessed via scroll bar at the top of the screen
  4. ownage! he needs to get that. it really is one of my favorite games ever.
  5. just pirate it then. if you like it and feel it's worth the money..buy it.
  6. it's worth $20. you'll get over 10 hours of playtime from it.
  7. you can play the minigame for hints. though i was hardcore. i didn't use any hints it's hard...but fair. you just have to think outside of the box when solving puzzles. i felt like macgyver lol.
  8. didn't the dev even say the game was a mess?That was from a bitter, ex-Obsidian employee. Read it again, he comes across as really bitter. lol too funny. i didn't read it. i just know some members were talking about it. the game doesn't look like my thing tbh.
  9. back on topic.. replaying portal and its user created content and mario galaxy 2.
  10. completely gone! lmfao its the same thing just in 2d riiiiiiighht from gamespot: "The elaborate hub world that has appeared in each of Mario's previous 3D adventures has been scrapped and replaced by an easy-to-navigate map that lets you hop right into the next level. Galaxy 2 has less downtime than the original, ensuring you're always engaged and entertained."
  11. you should. it's basically structured like nsmb, in the sense that it's all just levels.
  12. 90% of them are lemmings though. trust me..it's good. it's a much more focused and diversified experience than smg1.
  13. Was thinking about giving it a whirl after I tried out Fatal Frame but I think i'll avoid it. I didn't like the first one and if this is the current consensus then fuk it. most people here love it. just play it for yourself. it's much better than smg1.
  14. lol yet you tell rede to EAD. all i said was riiigght. i was agreeeeeeeing with you. We play like that. riiiight
  15. lol yet you tell rede to EAD. all i said was riiigght. i was agreeeeeeeing with you.
  16. this is the exact same description i used. Feels exactly the same as SMG1 to me lol no. way more costumes and abilities. Im sorry, it feels like DLC. riiiigghhttt
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