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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. anybody got good links to fatal frame 4 and trauma team?
  2. i haven't game'd much lately. work, the woman, and the beach have been eating up my time. i did play an hour of galaxy 2 today though
  3. i haven't had much time to game. though i've been mostly playing galaxy 2.
  4. I haven't done one minute of work since 10am Getting paid to post. Eh, we're that good damn str8 though the next few weeks will be rough. lots of projects.
  5. i enjoy the horseback riding. it's pretty mindblowing seeing the world.
  6. Is RDR as horse heavy as GTA games are car heavy? I dislike openworld games that put an emphasis on vehicular transport. then you will hate rdr.
  7. that sums it up well. perhaps the game fell victim to my current dislike of shooters. i did like the atmosphere and world.
  8. i haven't played wake in a few weeks. maybe it's time to finish it up. i will be playing galaxy 2 come sunday for quite a while.
  9. was that the one where they get drunk? that was my favorite part of the game.
  10. wipeout hd is hard too. they had to release a patch to tone down the difficulty LOL
  11. ya. it was pretty awesome! though it was an expansion, it felt like a full game. is it standalone or do i need to buy the original>? you need the original. i'd give it to you, but i've maxed out my sharing on it. i may still be able to give you fury though.
  12. ya. it was pretty awesome! though it was an expansion, it felt like a full game.
  13. Still need to play Rooms. And Soul Bubbles. rooms is one of the best puzzle games..period.
  14. word. think i'm gonna fire it up this weekend :smile:
  15. i will give it to u. let me change the password and it's yours. fury was one of the best racers last year. it's AAA at gr.
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