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Posts posted by -GD-X

  1. Alan wake :ben:

    game is so :ben: at the beginning.

    The talking light part(lol) but everything else was amazing imo.

    Game reminded me so much of REmake's forest sections, the plants have the same pre-rendered effect to them :o

    yeah. i got the same vibe. though the game is a little corny, the nighttime sections do feel like they were ripped out of re remake's forest areas. i'm so digging the atmosphere.
  2. so i played the first hour (chaper 1) of alan wake. i must say i do quite like it. let's start with the visuals. at some points, they are easily the best i've seen on the 360. some excellent lighting and environmental effects. though they are most effective when used mildly. scenes that really crank up the eye candy come at a serious performance cost, with either screen tearing and/or pixelated effects. dithering and jags can also be seen throughout the game. however, that's probably because of the low res it's rendered at. the lip syncing and animations are pretty bad, but don't affect gameplay or atmosphere, so i don't care. the sound design is top notch. seriously...i think they do a better job than the visuals at putting me on edge. i love how cryptic the deranged villagers sound. also the music and effects really feel like a cross between the shining and mulholland drive. the gameplay is better than i thought it would be. very tight and fluid. i don't know why some sites trashed it. i had no problems kicking ass. overall..feels like a AA game. it lacks the WOW factor of max payne 2. though it's filling the survival horror void nicely.

  3. My Alan Wake impressions after 3 or so hours with the game.

    - First off I have to say the presentation is incredible. If it weren't for the mediocre lip synching and decent models, I'd put it up there with Uncharted 2. The writing/dialogue was one of my biggest worries but it's actually really well done. The music is great too. The sound effects, holy shit. The enemies' voices are creepy as hell, the guns have a real satisfying punch to them and the ripping sound of affects of the flashlights "burning off" the darkness works really well. Graphically, when it's at its best, it's arguably the best looking game of the gen. The character models and animations hold it back. The use of narration is done perfectly too as it lets you know what to do next without it being annoying.

    - As far as gameplay goes, it's probably love/meh. I'm going to keep it simple and say if you loved games like cinematic Uncharted 2, Dead Space, Bioshock, etc., you're going to love this. If you're looking for some a game that can stand on gameplay alone like super mario galaxy or bayonetta, this isn't i. But so far the story has been so gripping, the pacing so perfect, that the only thing stopping me from playing is the fact that I have to go to work tomorrow. I haven't played Heavy Rain but I can imagine it's similar in that you feel like you are playing out a movie.

    - Another thing I'd like to just add in is just how realistic this game feels. The game feels Half-Life 2-esque in how you feel like you traverse a HUGE environment and how everything makes sense. The locations don't feel like they were just thrown in to make a game but actually feel like real locations. The little things like collecting flash light batteries, ammo, flares, ect. further add to his sense of realism.

    So far I'm definitely impressed. GD let me know what you think when you play some of it!

    great mini review. hopefully i can get some play time in tonight :)

  4. dling software illegally at work probably isn't the best idea gamedrunk :]

    lol. we've been doing it for years. i've gotten at least 20 360 games from there. besides..it's my friend in the other department who hooks me up. so i'm all good.

    Alright, I'm just lookin out for ya dawg. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Keep doing what you're doing. :kissing:

    thanx bruh :-*
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