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Posts posted by -GD-X

  1. Played GoW3 for like 4 hours, really great game, some of the best graphics I've ever seen(there were a few parts with shitty textures but then again which game doesn't?)

    combat is a bit improved over the previous games, and diffiuculty of bosses have been greatly raised, I mean fucking Hades killed me like 5 times while in the previous games I never died once.

    After the first few hours of graphical awe, I became used to it and the rest of the game doesn't really amaze me as it did in the beginning. Puzzles are smartly implemented and not as cheap as the ones in 2 and combat is satisfying. QTE's are well done, but even though the sequences are nice to look at, I don't get that sense of accomplishment.

    Other than that, really solid game, every PS3 owner must play this just to experience some really epic stuff never seen before in a game. Personally i'd rent it since I don't see myself playing it again. So far so good, kratos is one crazy motherfucker and the game keeps getting better, even though some parts are really tedious, the presentation, graphics, production values, and music are off the charts.

    the second half destroys the first :)
  2. GoW3 is more fun on normal IMO. Hard the enemies take too much punishment. It's not like there's any hot button combos that kill things super fast, it just takes longer.

    I'd say the game is pretty balanced on Normal. I beat Hades on both Normal and Hard and both times weren't incredibly easy. It's just a matter of dodging the pattern and it's annoying to do it more often than you have to. He's no faster or anything on hard.

    Save hard for a second playthrough, I think. I beat the other GoW's on hard first time and they were considerably easier.

    i found normal to be quite satisfying too.

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