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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. fuck max payne 2 is still beyond godly. i just did the first funhouse part. there's not a single level this gen that compares. here's to hoping that alan wake has lots of subtle touches of dark humor and personality. this game really gives me high hopes.
  2. i agree. with the exception of infamous, i have not had fun with any sandbox campaigns this gen. though i dug crackdown's orb collecting. i hope crackdown 2 has an actual campaign this time.
  3. I don't there's been a TPS with shooting as satisfying as MP2. Stranglehold and all the other Max Payne knockoffs just aren't as fun. Also it's funny, in MP2, I actually preferred using the slow mo more than the diving. I'd hop in and out of slow motion like that scene in 300. Even Max Payne 1 still owns. Such an awesome franchise. fuck yeah. max payne 1 had some trippy ass parts.
  4. hh, i gotta step out for a while. i'll try to catch u later tonight
  5. I don't there's been a TPS with shooting as satisfying as MP2. Stranglehold and all the other Max Payne knockoffs just aren't as fun. Also it's funny, in MP2, I actually preferred using the slow mo more than the diving. I'd hop in and out of slow motion like that scene in 300. lol i couldn't agree more. i prefer it over the duck and cover shooters.
  6. damn..7 years later..and max payne 2 is still so friggin godly. the game has aged quite well. i have full confidence that alan wake will at least have some trippy and atmospheric parts.
  7. starting max payne 2 again since i'm hyped for alan wake. been playing uc2 and lbp online.
  8. Did you play the full game or the demo? full game. i actually enjoyed the demo more lol
  9. ya dead rising is crazy overrated. it's cool for about 20 min and then it gets pretty boring. awful save system too.
  10. yeah me 2 had amazing music! the game proves that a rich atmosphere can make a gameplay experience that much better.
  11. mass effect 2 is extremely repetitive. however, i was in love with the universe so i didn't care.
  12. drama hates you guys. he told me you are all fags, while he was sucking me off.
  13. so do you. time for u to pick up some massengill.

  14. yup. it's pretty godly. how far are you? barely nicked the surface, i am at the chozo mines. got the morph ball back and bombo damn...just wait til later. simply incredible!
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