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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. between metroid, epic mickey, donkey kong, and kirby...the wii is gonna have one hell of a fall.
  2. a lot of critics can't handle change. it's good to see real gamers like it.
  3. fable 2 is one of the games that made me quit being a lemming. one of the worst games i played this gen.
  4. moving within a 3D environment with a d pad will never be as precise as using a analog stick, but i got used it and don't mind the current set up at all. ugh see that pisses me off. I'm so tired of this motion nonsense. The new zelda looks stupid too with it's wiimote combat. ummm...he never mentioned motion controls.I'm sick of the wiimote I guess is what I was trying to say. Moving in a 3d space with a D-pad is just beyond dumb. eh it seems like a lot of people are ok with it. besides, it sounds like a true metroid experience. shadow complex was cool, but this looks so much better.
  5. moving within a 3D environment with a d pad will never be as precise as using a analog stick, but i got used it and don't mind the current set up at all. ugh see that pisses me off. I'm so tired of this motion nonsense. The new zelda looks stupid too with it's wiimote combat. ummm...he never mentioned motion controls.
  6. it seems like a lot of peeps have grown to like the new control scheme.
  7. i rarely go by reviews. if it's a genre i love and it looks interesting, i'll at least try it. rooms for ds got bad reviews, yet i thought it owned pretty hard. it had some clever puzzles.
  8. lara croft definitely gets my pick for downloadable game of the year. last year it was a tie between flower and wipeout fury.
  9. everyone i know who's played it are only saying great things about it.
  10. he was a lot bigger years ago. though he looks better with the slimmer build. he had gotten too bulky.
  11. how is the difficulty? any hard battles? challenging puzzles?
  12. i don't care about the cg. i'm just glad to hear the gameplay is good.
  13. either you splooged your pants or that fat chick spilled gravy on you. pimpin pics though
  14. You can use my iptorrents account if you want Seriously it fucking owns hard. It's even better if you're a metroid fan plus the CG is some of the best I've seen i'd love to use it. thanks!
  15. eh she doesn't bother me. the stories are pretty bad though.
  16. lol yeah. The game was definitely rushed. The next TR will have probably had 3 years put into it when it releases. i hope it has the platforming sections of the underworld, but the combat of lara croft
  17. i see what they mean by inconsistent visuals. the underwater part looked damn good, almost uc2 good. the ship looks like 2004 pc stuff lol.
  18. damn, glad to hear that. the whole section in the beginning, where you're underwater, was fucking ownage! i'm now on that enemy ship.
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