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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. it's basically god of war meets zelda, with elements of portal and a few other games. it sooooo lacks originality. however, it's a fun marriage of stolen ideas. one of the better action-adventure titles i've played in a while. some cool puzzles too. it's also long.
  2. finished the 4th dungeoun in darksiders. that spider boss was cool.
  3. fighting some huge worm in darksiders. this game owns hard.
  4. since i've been playing darksiders, i keep thinking how awesome it would be if they made a new soul reaver. such awesome games, the first being the best.
  5. lets make sexy tarzan babies with great hair and semi-large noses.
  6. lol that owns. i used to have a bar in my old room back in the day.
  7. hey tb..is there a way to beat the conscripts in darksiders without having to slice and dodge over and over. those guys take too long to beat and are getting annoying,
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