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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. i thought so. i will be playing through all of the wright games
  2. was that outside of the police station..or was that at an amusement park? i forget...
  3. but seriously, i can't think of a game with better characters. so much personality.
  4. ahahah i loved this guy: i think i will be seeing him soon in case 3.
  5. those gifs own such awesome characters.. and i just finished the case with:
  6. gonna play darksiders, phoenix wright, and lbp this weekend.
  7. yeah supposedly it's a 15-20 hour game. that's pretty cool.
  8. i played some more darksiders. i like it more than ac2 so far. it does feel like a mix of zelda and gow.
  9. it starts out just ok. however, the last few demo levels were pretty friggin awesome! very exciting stuff!
  10. yeah. the game was a decent rental, mostly for the awesome cutsceness. i didn't care for the gameplay. too much screen tearing too.
  11. splosion man fucking owns We should get some LBP going on soon. fo sho! u ever try trials hd?
  12. so i spent some time with my 360 tonight. i played a little ass creed 2. it's cool but i don't think it's for me. too many fetch quests. i'm having a hard time playing more than a few missions at a time now. i also played the hydro thunder demo. i don't know if burnout 3 ruined me, but i found the sense of speed to be slow. it's not as fast paced and crazy as i remember. it was ok. now on to the good stuff.... i finally played the trials hd demo what a godly fucking game! i think i'm going to score it. the last demo level was fucking incredible! i also bought splosion man, since i love
  13. caved in and got binoculars so i can watch cleo play Starcraft 2 in the nude
  14. Damn really? I'm really absorbed into the game and it's nice finally playing a game that isn't a shooter after a long time so it feels really fresh to me. i gotta play more. sometimes the clumsy combat gets to me. lmao I don't bother with the combat half the time. Counter/disarm -> then RUN THE FUCK AWAY yeah..i think i need to do that. because i enjoy the platforming (though it sometimes feels wonky) and the story.
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