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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. trine is cool. but machinarium and syberia are much better.
  2. you actually care about achievements? Kinda, and yes, when the unlocked thing doesnt even come up.lol
  3. i beat pb winterbottom. fun last puzzle, though a bit easier than expected. overall, i give the game a 9/10. excellent puzzles, though a few are too punishing where timing is concerned. i can see why gamespot thought some parts were too hard (for the majority). it can be beaten in 3 to 4 hours, but at $2.50, that's a damn good deal.
  4. you own! how far are you? i'm at the second to last puzzle. Gamedrunk, you should check out Limbo went it comes out. It looks amazing. it does look awesome!
  5. you own! how far are you? i'm at the second to last puzzle.
  6. just a few levels left before i finish pb winterbottom. this game is pretty damn challenging. not only does it make you think..but you have to have pretty good timing.
  7. i think pb winterbottom is on the short side. i'm at the 70% mark and i've only put in a few hours lol. still..the puzzles are pretty awesome. it's the braid of 2010.
  8. pb winterbottom is fucking awesome! it tests your patience and makes you think. but damn it's quite clever and fun.
  9. i played a little bit of pb winterbottom. ownage so far. reminds me of a 2d version of the time puzzles in r&c crack in time.
  10. oh yeah it gets a lot harder. some of the coins are a bitch to get!
  11. not playing much. mainly phoenix wright and i'm working on a little big planet level whenever i'm home alone.
  12. i still have my original copy of zoe2. what a godly game.
  13. i just stared at your sig for like 2 minutes...love it! anyhow..playing phoenix wright and uncharted 2.
  14. if you pm me who you really are, i won't ban you for ban dodging. Why not just check his ip i did. notice i said he was a bandodger. though the accounts aren't linked to a major one. so i was wondering. it's all good. we cleared up the matter via pm
  15. if you pm me who you really are, i won't ban you for ban dodging.
  16. When the dude's throwing the grappling hook: "ha, there is no way he's gonna- oh wow he just did" Man the dialogue/voice acting in UC2 elevated the game to an even higher level. yeah i lol'd a few times during this replay. this is one game i can come back to every 4 or 5 months and enjoy just as much as the first time i beat it. and yeah avk..the creatures were meh. though not bad enough to ruin a great gaming experience.
  17. replaying the ice caverns in uc2. fuck i had forgotten how gorgeous this area is.
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