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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. This just proves how shitty lemmings tastes in games are :reggie: nah. the game is good. though the shooting does get tiring. i just put another 30 min into it. i love the atmosphere and level design. however, i'm getting sick of the combat. plus i'm starting to see its weaknesses. the light/gunplay is good with 3 or 4 enemies. however, you see just how flawed it is when you have tons of fuckers circling you. plus, it's not as satisfying as the max payne games. they should've added more puzzles to minimize the combat.are you using the flares, flash grenades, flareguns, etc for those situatio
  2. btw the maze area was friggin cool. felt like the shining.
  3. This just proves how shitty lemmings tastes in games are :reggie: nah. the game is good. though the shooting does get tiring. i just put another 30 min into it. i love the atmosphere and level design. however, i'm getting sick of the combat. plus i'm starting to see its weaknesses. the light/gunplay is good with 3 or 4 enemies. however, you see just how flawed it is when you have tons of fuckers circling you. plus, it's not as satisfying as the max payne games. they should've added more puzzles to minimize the combat.
  4. I'm not understanding the complaints about the characters and writing. I think they did a great job on those. the dialog and delivery can be quite funny at times. far from convincing. also, i have no attachment to alan's character or to the fact that his wife is missing. still..i'm just playing it for the thrills, which it delivers on. i just got to the episode 4. pretty good so far. i was digging the whole mountain vibe. though i am getting a little sick of the shooting. it's not really a game i can play for more than an hour at a time. Did you meet up with Barry yet? He turns into an aweso
  5. Did you play the first? yeah but only for about 1-2 hours. The 2nd one apparently has more varied environments which is nice as that's the main problem I had with the first. hopefully thats the case because the visuals are really good so i wouldn't mind more variety. For a 6 man team Renegade Kid is pretty damn talented when it comes to pushing the DS. i heard that game runs at 60 fps too. i should pick it up after i finish rooms.
  6. I'm not understanding the complaints about the characters and writing. I think they did a great job on those. the dialog and delivery can be quite funny at times. far from convincing. also, i have no attachment to alan's character or to the fact that his wife is missing. still..i'm just playing it for the thrills, which it delivers on. i just got to the episode 4. pretty good so far. i was digging the whole mountain vibe. though i am getting a little sick of the shooting. it's not really a game i can play for more than an hour at a time.
  7. one thing is for certain about alan wake..its world is so well designed. feels real.
  8. I beat it and I seriously don't understand why critics were such "critics" with this game but gave games like KZ2 and ODST a pass. how long did it take you to beat? as for kz and halo odst, i'm convinced games with multiplayer just get better treatment.
  9. and yeah..for medium/ major spoilers..we'll use hide tags.
  10. i'm at the trailer park area at the beginning of episode 3 where r u at?Started the second chapter, past the New York apartment now o snap..the game starts to get really good from there. enjoy
  11. and yes..it has the best atmosphere i've seen this gen, topping bioshock and dead space.
  12. eventually. i have some other stuff i want to play first.
  13. i'm at the trailer park area at the beginning of episode 3 where r u at?
  14. in spots...they are up there with some of the best i've seen on consoles. however, there are some moments where you get really bad pixelated shadows and lighting effects, along with screen tearing. mostly during scenes where the fog really gets intense..or when you are in a strong light. the daylight areas don't look too good either. you can tell the game is running at sub res because there's no fog to hide it.
  15. gameplay-wise..yes..it's a 3rd person shooter. however, the atmosphere is sick. you really feel like you're in these creepy woods. the sound is design is excellent too. lots of twisted noises.
  16. at first it feels like a good game. flawed..but good. however, it starts to get great the 2nd chapter in. i can't wait to see the rest.
  17. just played another hour of alan wake. this game just gets better and better. definitely the best survival horror title in years.. i dare say it's the silent 2 or 3 of this gen.
  18. i will be playing it for a few hours tonight CM says it gets better as it goes on, so i'm pumped.
  19. The talking light part(lol) but everything else was amazing imo. Game reminded me so much of REmake's forest sections, the plants have the same pre-rendered effect to them :o yeah. i got the same vibe. though the game is a little corny, the nighttime sections do feel like they were ripped out of re remake's forest areas. i'm so digging the atmosphere.
  20. i will be done with it by sunday the latest only got to play an hour tonight. however, i know i'll get some more in tomorrow and lots on sat
  21. yeah the night parts look wild. i can tell i'm really going to enjoy it. it kind of reminds me of the outdoor tree areas in re remake.
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