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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. so i played the first hour (chaper 1) of alan wake. i must say i do quite like it. let's start with the visuals. at some points, they are easily the best i've seen on the 360. some excellent lighting and environmental effects. though they are most effective when used mildly. scenes that really crank up the eye candy come at a serious performance cost, with either screen tearing and/or pixelated effects. dithering and jags can also be seen throughout the game. however, that's probably because of the low res it's rendered at. the lip syncing and animations are pretty bad, but don't affect gamepl
  2. i just fired up alan wake. i'll be back in a few with impressions.
  3. i enjoyed the missions. much better than crackdown's or prototype's. though i would like a new engine that focuses less on foreground detail and more on draw distance and performance. though not as bland as crackdown's i like the platforming. though i wouldn't mind it being less sticky.
  4. you can absorb electricity to rapidly accelerate your health regen. Absorbing electricity was a life saver to me most of the time. word
  5. i liked infamous more than dead space. i got bored of ds about 3 hours in. though yeah infamous could've used a few more months of polishing.
  6. what is sin & punishment? i always hear about it...i just have no clue what it is
  7. great mini review. hopefully i can get some play time in tonight
  8. lol. we've been doing it for years. i've gotten at least 20 360 games from there. besides..it's my friend in the other department who hooks me up. so i'm all good. Alright, I'm just lookin out for ya dawg. I wouldn't want anything to happen to you. Keep doing what you're doing. :kissing: thanx bruh
  9. ya. my friend has a membership to some newsgroup. he DLs shit all the time and passes them around to about 5 of us. i knew the 360 games DLd quickly. though i never knew just how fast until today.
  10. lol. we've been doing it for years. i've gotten at least 20 360 games from there. besides..it's my friend in the other department who hooks me up. so i'm all good.
  11. God dammit I wish my modded360 still worked i will cry if i RROD during this game.
  12. you gonna at least buy your favorite dev's game sometime down the road? fuck yeah! i own both copies of max payne.
  13. i was supposed to fuck a mamacita before watching LOST tonight. i told her i wasn't feeling well game better work! or i'll be pissed.
  14. damn the t1 at work is fast! it took like 30 min to dl alan wake. let's hope it works when i get home.
  15. ?he didn't play it yet fool don't spoil shit i misread his post lol all good
  16. nah. i started playing rooms. i will finish it though. i'm terrible at completing games. i just don't have much time to play :(
  17. i will be playing alan wake in just a few hours. it's so surreal.
  18. yeah the halo fans i know irl were a bit disappointed by the beta. seems like more of the same. i don't really care, as long as the campaign is good this time.
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