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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. is there any game this gen you havent gotten boredwith besides warhawk? nikka needs to quit gaming and take up knitting.
  2. Does it require big arm movements or can I get away playing it like a slob? LOL
  3. aight. i may see if i score a used one. game looks like a blast.
  4. i may jump on the final faggotry bandwagon. even haters seem to be enjoying it.
  5. the kid has bought/sold more systems than my local gamestop.
  6. i didn't see a single drop in the game, even when lots of stuff was going on.
  7. i've only had 1 bug. though i've heard of several, some which are quite comical.
  8. it's basically the gears of war of action games, regarding bugs.
  9. It's getting a bit silly not to own one at this point. i agree. i love mine.
  10. just when i didn't think ronk could own more than he already does.
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