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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. you put the dualshock 3 down by your clam during that scene, huh? well yeah :|D I put it down by my clam with all games except for FFXIII... snow, hope and sazh don't really cut it for me you're so dirty
  2. not yet. i wont be home til around 7 eastern. you can add me gamedrunkk
  3. you put the dualshock 3 down by your clam during that scene, huh?
  4. cleo owns too much to just be limited to one identity. that's why he created ronk and smoothhands.
  5. still just playing time hallow whenever i can. been spending too much time at the office to play games or do anything fun. though this weekend will change things up ;)
  6. the official "what are you playing?" thread (no fanboyism or flaming) it's the truth you swallowed the haitian's dick for a refurb p.b winterbottom is being released on PC april 20th! fucking GODLY!
  7. the official "what are you playing?" thread (no fanboyism or flaming) it's the truth you swallowed the haitian's dick for a refurb
  8. time hollow owns. i feel like i'm playing a back to the future game.
  9. ownage i'm curious as to what u think of it, since you like puzzles.
  10. the end was kind of the boss fights were also very I 5 starred all 3 forms I'm still not sure what the hell fang and vanille actually did there at the end you need to play my lbp level first yo so I tried to play it last night had to do a HUGE update took forever THEN you know what happened? when the PS3 bug happened my LPB save file was corrupt I had to start the whole fucking game over again by the time I got to where I could play someones online level I made it through to the fire place on your level and had to stop because I had to work today I'll give it
  11. yeah. i have my 360 for multiplats and my ps3 for single player exclusives.
  12. lol sk is cracking me up! in 3 months..the 360 will be sold again...then bought back when reach comes out. right hh?
  13. no that sucks. i want The Misadventures of Mr. P.B. Winterbottom. i guess i'll have to wait for the pc version :(
  14. anybody here play The Misadventures of Mr. P.B. Winterbottom? that game looks badass!
  15. i tend to favor slower, more cerebral games now over empty, fast ones. that's why i love adventure titles.
  16. damn i found part 1 to be unplayable on the 360. so if you loved it..you're going to flip for part 2, which was a major improvement. Yeah the graphics, framerate, shooting and gun fights have all been so much better so far. Pretty cool how I could just import my ME1 save and all things I've done are carried over ( I let the council die in ME1) that is an awesome feature. when 3 comes out..i will replay 1 and 2..and have a save ready for the third.
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