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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. just when i didn't think ronk could own more than he already does.
  2. well that's good. it was pretty awful..almost turned me off to the game completely.
  3. i think i'm gonna get the 360 version of assassin's cred 2 this week
  4. a few reviews mentioned this problem too. http://www.1up.com/do/reviewPage?cId=3177568&p=37 "It's worth mentioning that the Xbox 360 version of the game suffers from some major screen tearing and framerate issues, especially when rotating the camera."
  5. lol wut, it ran and looked fine on my 360 i played a bit of the full version on a friend's 360. it had screen tearing galore.
  6. i just played a little of the darksiders demo for ps3. i'm glad to see it doesn't have all the screen tearing and framerate issues found in the 360 version. though i'm not sure if i like it yet.
  7. started replaying uncharted 2 again. i think nepal is the best looking "non boss level" i've seen on consoles. i'm also getting back into echochrome.
  8. i'm suprised to hear that. i'm usually that way with most shooters now. though action adventure games (especially ones with puzzles) usually keep me in.
  9. this too I got past that spot 15 minutes after my last post.lol
  10. i had no probs with it. i actually thought it was pretty cool. though a friend of mine had probs with it as well. Are you supposed to press both buttons at the same time?yup
  11. i had no probs with it. i actually thought it was pretty cool. though a friend of mine had probs with it as well.
  12. maybe i'll cave in and just play the 360 version. i could use a solid horror title.
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