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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. that hercules battle was brutal. tbh i forget where that was. Spoiler how far is it after the battle with kronos?
  2. natal could own if it's $50 and has a decent wii sports knockoff. move will bomb. if the wii drops to $150, who will pay $100 for a controller, if the wii is only $50 more and has more content?
  3. i hope they make another heavy rain game. what ownage!
  4. looking at the ugly ass Move in bhytre's sig, what's everyone's take on sony/msoft joining the motion bandwagon? i personally think it's geared to "me too" casual games that will not sway the masses to ditch the wii.
  5. damn..that review sounds great! let me see if a 360 version is out.
  6. This. If you bash GoW3/think it's not worth a shot, you're a fucking moron. If you think it owns every game this gen, let alone every action game, you're stupid as fuck. Bayonetta's mechanics are leagues better, although GoW3 overall is a better game IMO. I'd like to see cows try to explain why GoW has better combat, replay value, or challenge. Please. i agree that bayonetta has better combat. though everything else about it is awful. awful characters, visuals, music, and story. plus, at least gow3 mixes things up with the platforming and puzzles. its level design is also far super
  7. post impressions tb. i hope it owns. i would like to play a good horror shooter.
  8. i may ditch console gaming for a bit and just focus on some obscure pc adventure games. werner gave me a list of some cool ones, along the lines of machinarium
  9. metro looks kinda fugly on my sexbox 360. though at least the framerate looks smooth.
  10. that's what I was getting at, the combat feels a bit sloppy at times. Like the counter move in GoW2 seems off. Like you have to press it too early.i've never had that problem.
  11. there's a very "love or hate" puzzle in the middle of gow3. it's a music one. i thought it owned. but my friend hated it lol.
  12. man i wish capcom would just give us a fifth one already :( word. :(
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