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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. word. i found myself using combos more and mixing up my weapons.
  2. soul reaver for dreamcast had the best balance of combat/ puzzles i've seen. some of those puzzles were hard as fuck back in the day.
  3. i so agree with you tb that most franchises this gen have been dumbed down. devs are more focused on textures, action, and multiplayer. very few games are cerebral anymore :(
  4. the puzzles towards the end are some of the best i've seen this gen..and in the series. there's a really cool one in the garden.
  5. that's why i gave it a 9. it's more of the same with some sweet tweaks and a ton of polish. still far better than garbage like bayonetta and ng2.
  6. i wasn't disappointed at all. some of the best moments in gaming ever.
  7. wait til later. plus the last few levels have some sick level design.
  8. nah. 8.5 is too low. 9.0 is the perfect score. i never said it would be gotg. i did say it would be the most fun action game this gen..which it is.
  9. it's only worth the purchase if you replay these types of games. otherwise..it's a better rental.
  10. yup. 9 hours it is. shorter than 2, longer than 1. though it was an action packed experience. i will easily beat 3+ times
  11. woohaa! i beat gow 3! what a trippy last part. pros: better boss fights; sick graphics; better weapons,; some really cool puzzles towards the end; solid story; excellent pacing cons: shorter than 2; not as much diversity as 2; not as many puzzles as i'd like; a few spots where the graphics aren't as good as the majority of the game; 2 parts where the fixed camera fucked up my jumps; would've liked at least 1 more titan fight. i give it a 9.
  12. i'm 8 hours in. this game is friggin awesome! i like it as much as 2 now.
  13. it's not terribly hard on normal. though my buddy has been playing on hard. said the game is quite challenging. so yeah..if you want to zip through it...you may want normal.
  14. i just got the boots that let me run up walls gow 3 owns so hard
  15. damn..the fucking graphics are insane. online vids don't do the textures and lighting justice
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