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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. fuck yeah. they are having characters and prizes there i want a pic with kratos
  2. efrewtgtb 54y4w57y64u 65yu7 5yu6776u6

  3. this scene made me laugh out loud http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9r6MapV_WY
  4. Let me know how things turn out for you! Add me to PSN if you haven't already so I can check your trophies Mind_Wash i beat it. i posted a review several pages back
  5. yeah heavy rain froze on me once too. i believe they have a patch out.
  6. My ending....... Spoiler Madison was in Scotts apartment investigating and Scott set it on fire, so I got Madison to jump out a window knowing she would die and did it anyway. Scott lived, and Ethan still had sex with Madison, but eventually got shot outside of the warehouse. Not a very happy ending. LOL
  7. lol! it does! btw.. Spoiler scott was killer; all main characters lived (except scott); ethan had sex with madison; ethan, madison, and son lived happily ever after what was your ending?
  8. i beat heavy rain! what a thrill ride! the last 3/4 of the game have some of the most thrilling moments i've encountered in gaming. it also has some of the best graphics (in parts) too. unfortunately, there are lots of scenes that have screen tearing. a damn shame since some sections run smooth and look almost photorealistic. this includes sections you can actually explore. the QTEs are surprisingly damn good and really give a feeling of tension and fear. the audio feels like something out of hollywood. the story too feels like it could've come from the big screen. it has solid pacing (minu
  9. lol. btw..hide that. i don't want to ruin parts of the game for peeps
  10. i did at first..and the guy drugged me lol. i reset the game and then refused it lol.
  11. i ant gonna lie. i fucking love it. i did certain scenes several times to see how they played out differently. btw, i just left the dr's home, the one who owns the apartments. how far am i?
  12. that first part of the scene isn't even in the game. it's pretty much a demo tutorial. only the apartment fight is in the full version. the demo is an awful representation of the game, since it has a bunch of edge-of-year-seat moments. i HATED the demo...but i'm loving the full game. i played it for 6 hours yesterday lol. you should gamefly it. if you hate it..just return it.
  13. This is the next game I wanna play. After GoW2. one bit of advice..be patient. the beginning is slow. it serves as a tutorial, while establishing a bond with the main character. though trust me..it gets good about a 3rd in. some really well done QTEs..to the point where you are quite tense.
  14. i'm about 3 or 4 hours in heavy rain. i'm really digging it. after a while, i forgot i was even playing a string of quick time events. some trippy ass scenes too.
  15. ok. so far..i like heavy rain. i'm starting to feel ok with its constant QTEs. it's not the best gameplay ever. yet i can't stop playing it. you do feel a bond with the characters, which is quite rare in games.
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