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Everything posted by -GD-X

  1. what do you like about it? Lightning and Fang are hot:jerkit: lol
  2. what do you like about it? Lightning and Fang are hot:jerkit: lol
  3. I wonder if it's a cheap trick that allowed them to make the game look so good. Kinda like how the old Resident Evil games did. In my opinion it hurts the gameplay. it doesn't hurt gameplay at all imo. especially in part 2. but yeah..i'm sure the fixed camera helps keep framerates smooth during chaotic scenes. I always loved when larger enemies in gow1/2 obstruct my veiw during combat or having the camera shift while i jump trying to reach some off screen crates . i don't recall ever having an issue with gow's camera. now ninja gaiden's on the otherhand..
  4. I wonder if it's a cheap trick that allowed them to make the game look so good. Kinda like how the old Resident Evil games did. In my opinion it hurts the gameplay. it doesn't hurt gameplay at all imo. especially in part 2. but yeah..i'm sure the fixed camera helps keep framerates smooth during chaotic scenes. I always loved when larger enemies in gow1/2 obstruct my veiw during combat or having the camera shift while i jump trying to reach some off screen crates . i don't recall ever having an issue with gow's camera. now ninja gaiden's on the otherhand..
  5. I wonder if it's a cheap trick that allowed them to make the game look so good. Kinda like how the old Resident Evil games did. In my opinion it hurts the gameplay. it doesn't hurt gameplay at all imo. especially in part 2. but yeah..i'm sure the fixed camera helps keep framerates smooth during chaotic scenes. I always loved when larger enemies in gow1/2 obstruct my veiw during combat or having the camera shift while i jump trying to reach some off screen crates . i don't recall ever having an issue with gow's camera. now ninja gaiden's on the otherhand..
  6. I wonder if it's a cheap trick that allowed them to make the game look so good. Kinda like how the old Resident Evil games did. In my opinion it hurts the gameplay. it doesn't hurt gameplay at all imo. especially in part 2. but yeah..i'm sure the fixed camera helps keep framerates smooth during chaotic scenes.
  7. i do wish you could control the camera in gow 3. the game is so gorgeous :(
  8. if you like the zelda-like feel of gow...then you'll love 2. just youtube the ending to one and hop on to 2
  9. the only part i hated about gow 1 (and i really hated this), was the part where you have to push this block before these spikes pop up. if you're just a hair shy of perfection, you're fucked. also..i didn't care for the beginning. too much combat, not enough puzzles. fortunately that changes a 3rd in. the last 2/3s are great. gow 2 is better at balancing combat/puzzles/platforming.
  10. maybe i'm just used to these types of games, but i didn't get stuck at anything, unless it required a few minutes of logic to work through it.
  11. that's for sure what it is. And you know I call it? Bad design. lol the level design is top notch. i didn't get stuck once. you're just missing something very obvious.
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