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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. They're all kids and Family movies... Why would we be upset about movies for kids and families? Hence why it's strange you're so pressed about a kids and family movie...lol
  2. https://www.nintendo.com/store/products/bayonetta-origins-cereza-and-the-lost-demon-switch/ Progress carries over to the main game. Will check out.
  3. Cool story bro. That still doesn't explain why you're triggered by this trailer.... Lol
  4. You're awfully triggered by an animated movie for families.. Lol
  5. Yes the demo closes out with that Same cheesy one liner too... Lol
  6. This demo player very similarly to the Game Cube demo from all those years ago. With that said, the changes seem great so far.
  7. It's world wide ghostz. 72% to 27%.....iOS lost get over it.
  8. Europe is a continent with 27 first world countries... Let's look at the Market share there. "Since overtaking iOS in 2013 to become Europe’s most popular mobile operating system, Android has managed to increase its share of the market in each of the following years....... Android was the operating system for 67.21 percent of European mobile phones." FYI iOS only has 32% in Europe. Android is 2X more popular there iOS lost like I said... THE END.
  9. Owned by your own words Now go argue with yourself against your own words. THE END.
  10. Poor Bitch-tre... Who knew a Nazi home schooling thread would totally break him. Years of abuse from his uncle has scared him for life. Which him keep avoiding it like he avoids vaginas
  11. The cop that died, didn't die in the building.. He died the next day as a result of what he endured the day prior... Aka succumbed to his injuries. And post the video of him giving a "tour" much later.
  12. He rents TVs, rents his games, basically rented his phone always boasts about being cheap, always bargain Bin diving for poor people deals etc.... Then turn around and claim he is rich
  13. Android is the number 1 mobile OS in the world.... iOS got crushed.. The end.
  14. Did you actually read the story? "U.S. District Court Judge James Boasberg said he understood why Sara Carpenter — who is facing two felony charges for her actions at the Capitol — would like time to review the material. But he said she had failed to explain why any additional footage of her movements inside the building would be exculpatory, particularly when prosecutors had already turned over footage of the vast majority of Carpenter’s 34 minutes inside the building." " At Friday’s hearing, prosecutors opposed Carpenter’s request, saying they had pieced together the
  15. Specifically what bullshit has been proven to be lies? Are you referring to the stolen election lies (which you believed) by Fox, which they admitted in court that it was a all lies? Or when multiple Fox Hosts got caught admitting via text that it was all lies and fake stories they were feeding to their audience? Are you referring to that? I hope you don't get angry and your brain doesn't reject the facts that have come out about the proven lies from Fox News
  16. Spin spin... ios is soooo far behind..nothing to argue about anymore. Apple lost the OS war.. The end.
  17. You were talking rate before as well... Once that didn't work out you switched to raw numbers. Nice try though
  18. Android is #1 and it isn't even close... That's not even a battle that's a massacre. Phone stuff is boring now because iOS is so far behind. Nice try though
  19. Bitch-tre and his sensitive snowflake ass getting triggered in that thread lead to him running out the thread and.... 78 posts of tears..... He is distraught, totally broken
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