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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. More then 5 years late* He made that cliff proclamation a few months after the system launched.
  2. PS5 is hitting its stride. Switch saw huge declines and still took 2nd place while Xbox had an increase and still came in last.... WTF? Lol "PS5 was comfortably the best-selling console across tracked European markets, with sales more than double Nintendo Switch in second place. Switch sales are down 28% across Europe" "Xbox Series S and X is in No.3 spot across Europe, but Microsoft saw a 13% sales increase compared with February last year." Another month, another L for Ghostz and the lemmings.
  3. And just tonight... Even after the deposition has shown that Tucker knew it was a lie... His blatant disregard for his audience's intelligence compels him to continue lying Amazing
  4. Chicago as a whole. The murder rate in Chicago is 3x lower than Jacksonville. You can try to cherry pick Hotspots... But that doesn't change the fact that the rate in Jacksonville is higher
  5. The Home schooling thread will stay bumped... To keep Bitch-tre forever triggered Stay losing Chump
  6. And yet Chicago as a whole is not even in the top 25 worst cities in the US... Says alot about those these cities huh?
  7. To further pile on this race baiting motherfucker.... The #3 Murder State on the list Kentucky... Only has 8% black people and 88% white.... #3 Murder State in the entire country... Only 8% black..... Funny how that works. Those pesky facts have a way of getting in your way huh?
  8. Cooke and his race bait in a thread about red vs blue cities and now states... The topic wasnt even race His Canadian clown ass doesn't even live here and it shows... For him to think RED states would have higher black population than Blue states
  9. Thread is about Chicago as a whole Jacksonville as a whole is 3X worse... Yiiiiikes.
  10. Cooke is right for once.... Its actually Florida Republican Senators. Those pesky republican senators, just wanting the free press to register with government if you want to talk about Emperor DeSantis. Very dictator-ish of them.
  11. Whoops. And for 2022 it dropped to 24.8 nearly 2.8 million people live in the Windy City, the rate per capita for that major city is 24.8 per 100,000 residents. Meanwhile in Jacksonville its 88.8....yes 88.8 republican city.. Highest murder rate in the country. In other words, the rate of killings in Jackson is more than three times greater than in Chicago. “The risk of you being a victim of a homicide, right, like the city of Jackson with the current rate where it’s at, is higher, you know, in gen
  12. "It's goofy time"... Bitch-tre's uncle yelled as be continually abused his nephew. Those memories are seared into Bitch-tre's mind, the Nazi Homeschooling thread really broke him. First he ran out the thread shaking and in tears, then he came to this thread ass leaking. He then went into NPC mode, then meme mode and when thy all failed he went into delusional mode. Lmfao video unavailable, Bitch-tre keeps losing... Poor schmuck
  13. Like I've been saying for years.... Fox knows you clowns are dumb and easily duped Fair and balanced they said.
  14. Bitch-tre and his delusions, AKA his coping mechanism he learned when his uncle abused him during home schooling is kicking in. This delusional fuck Bitch-tre gave up and ran out the Homeschooling thread and is now claiming someone else gave up... While he is actively, triggered, traumatized and scared shitless from the repressed memories of his uncles constant abuse. Now it makes sense why he short circuited into NPC mode... His bitch ass is totally broken.
  15. So dudes were fucking your girl in front of you just pre-covid...lmfao... Ok cuck
  16. Those "threesomes" with two dudes and your girl getting fucked by other men that you were boasting about recently, wasn't recent? Lmfao. Whatever you say cuck.
  17. Bitch-tre's trauma keeps getting worse. The memory of the abuse by his uncle during home schooling totally broke him.. His ass is leaking and it's giving him flashbacks. He's been triggered for a month now and counting
  18. Yes we know you're open to other men fucking your girl.... You're a proud cuck
  19. And he is still boasting about being a cuck more dudes have fucked your girl in front of you too.... Yiiiiikkkkes
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