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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. What was hilarious about that thread is Ghostz was boasting that he got tricked into being a cuck. The guy sold a train on ghostz GF as a threesome and simpleton ghostz fell for it
  2. Aza is posting Japanese sales again... I wonder why? Lol
  3. All it took was posting a Nazi Homeschooling thread for Bitch-tre to be nuclear triggered Your uncle did a number on you didn't he?... Yiiiiikes
  4. Care to post something tangible to back that up? Jehurey posted the top 30 and the majority were republican run cities. If you have data that says otherwise post it.
  5. Look at Bitch-tre incel ass run out of the thread the same way he runs away from pussy. The topic may have hit a little too close to home for him. It brought back memories of his uncle abusing him during home school sessions..... Yiiiiikes.
  6. You already answered yourself. Corporate greed.
  7. You never said what was? You just explained the greed of the oil companies and supermarket chains... Yet you somehow simply cannot grasp why a drug company is charging ridiculous prices for a life saving drug? Make that make sense. It's quite obvious that the drug companies have been price gouging for decades.
  8. So do you have anything to back up what you're saying besides taking points?
  9. Placenta face Bitch-tre is so sensitive, his snowflake ass got triggered so easily. Time to bump the thread that triggered him to keep him perpetually afraid
  10. Which means inflation wasn't the cause of the high gas prices you dense OX. And lol at you just making up out of thin air that inflation was the reason insulin costs so much...
  11. Oh I forgot your dumbass thought the gas price increase was related to inflation.... Yet somehow the oil companies made record breaking profits due to the increase. Insulin in America has been a ridiculous price and steadily increasing for years before the pandemic happened. That has nothing to do with inflation. Just like the Oil companies it had to do with corporate greed. People need it to live.. So they will pay the high price for the drug.
  12. Cooke again with the self awareness of a turd
  13. Holy fuck you have become even more stupid stupid over time. When did they said that natural immunity didn't exist? When was that ever said? How dumb are you? Everything else on your list was a dishonest representation of what was actually said because of course that's what you do.
  14. Inflation has absolutely nothing to do with drug companies price gouging for their products. Insulin has been at a ridiculous price forever, even before the pandemic because it's a drug that people literally NEED to stay alive... So the drug companies have been charging out the nose for it.
  15. You can't answer huh? Figures. No-buy HI-FI bust
  16. Crater face Bitch-tre avoiding that thread like he avoids women
  17. How many of them played the game for more than 15 mins?
  18. Not just for Medicare recipients but for EVERYONE Huge victory against big pharma
  19. Bitch-tre is too scared to show his face in that thread again, that loss really cut him deep.... Poor chump
  20. Man the right has no clue what comedy actually is and what it means. You clowns actually take it seriously.... No wonder jokes offend you guys so easily
  21. Bitch-tre still triggered, traumatized and running scared from that thread
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