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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You guys are giving jonb grief but he is right. DF spoke at length on their last weekly show about the issues PC gaming is currently facing with big AAA games running like trash across the board. So yes while slow Jonny most likey I still a dell kid that can't open up a Rar file, you can't accuse DF of having underpowered rigs
  2. Almost a month later and Bitch-tre is still traumatized for that one thread, his snowflake ass is sooo sensitive
  3. Placenta face Bitch-tre is running from the thread like it's a mirror
  4. He is so fragile, still triggered and still running. What a bitch ass he is
  5. They're trying, the usual suspects are trying to spin the situation. Unfortunately, from day one the GOP governor of the state said publicly that Biden reached out and he didn't accept the Feds help. (He eventually did weeks later) The governor has to declare it an emergency before the Feds can come it, the GOP governor again, did not do that until weeks later.
  6. You mean people like Cooke, Ramza and Bitch-tre would come in with pro Russia talk... Cooke to this day still thinks Ukraine is run my Nazis and the Russia's actions are justified and Ukraine should just surrender. Odd you don't consider that trolling or trying to derail the thread. But you consider the reality that Biden is on the right side of this, while Republican politicians (not all of them) are on the wrong side of this... If you consider that trolling... You're more delusional that I thought.
  7. The Forever snowflake is once again in his triggered NPC mode
  8. Halo Infinite was supposed to be the return of Xbox and Halo.... Halo is Xbox's premier franchise... Lemmings were expecting greatness... Tried it out and promptly dropped it... Lmfao. This is a multi platform games. PS5 and PC version will outsell the Xbox version by a ton. This has been the norm with multiplats for the last 8 years or so. You expecting the Xbox version to sell anywhere close to PS5 and PC is beyond delusional.
  9. Ikr.. There are less than 20 members on this site. Lmfao at Ghostz first making up something... Which even if it were true would have zero impact on sales.
  10. 1) SW has no impact om game sales. 2) Which cow said they're not buying it because of the "controversy"? 3) Even reset era which is a exponentially bigger site then SW has no impact on game sales.
  11. What's hilarious about this Harry Potter game... The game with trannies in it, the game with a ton of representation of different races. Is somehow anti woke (those with that stance were reaching). And People who are normally anti woke are fully supporting the game with trannies and representation. Bizarre.... Lol
  12. It's a graphical remake , but a content and a gameplay remaster. That's why Nintendo called it a remaster because it's the same content and gameplay as the original.
  13. I got it digitally two weeks ago... Finished it this past Monday or Tues. It's still a Banger and the remaster was a treat to play
  14. Depends on who they get to develop Castlevania and what type of game they make. Hoping it's a full blown adventure game that goes deep into the lore and very atmospheric.
  15. I Cleary stated that MLB is not a Sony IP. Your response "its a Sony IP" You lost AGAIN My work is done here for today..... Continue to wallow in your L and your stupidity
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