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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. That's the license for the PS5 version that Sony published. You already got owned with that yesterday. So now today you try to scroll up and hide that's its the PS5 version which Sony has a license to publish. You forgot to hide the registration number.... Same registration number as what you posted yesterday with the PS5 license. You lost AGAIN.
  2. Keep reading, the players are mentioned later on as their likeness belongs to the MLBPA ..... that's separate. What you posted shows Sony logo. MLB owns the IP. MLBPA owns the players likeness. You lost yet again. Stop trying to revive it... Its over.. You tried your best
  3. Can you read? Copyright is for the Sony logo as they are the developer. "PlayStation studios logo is registered trademark" "Sony interactive entertainment logo is a registered trademark" The then you get to the actual IP it says. "MLB trademarks and copyrights are used with permission" You lost AGAIN Stop trying to revive arguments you already lost.
  4. No I don't think Mike Tyson owns punch out.. What kinda stupid shit is this? You're comparing Apple's to oranges. Mike Tyson is not an IP. Nintendo created a game and licensed Tyson's name. Mike Tyson didn't hire Nintendo to develop a boxing game using his IP. MLB is an IP, they own the IP. They hired Sony to develop the game. Sony also has a license to publish the PlayStation version. Different situations. You already lost the first argument when your dumbass thought Xbox games meant game pass and 3rd party games.
  5. He was at tango for 12 years... He was at MS maybe for 2 years if so much. Most likely will go back to a Japanese company.
  6. That's the license for the PS5 version of the game which Sony has a license to publish. That doesn't mean Sony owns the MLB IP Reading is essential.
  7. Bbbut you edited it ... Resorting to lies now.... Lmfao. You said Sony owns the IP in response to me saying Sony doesn't own the MLB IP. That post was the first either of us brought up the MLB. You're self owned by your own words
  8. I just showed the your own quote. You said Sony owns the IP in response to me saying Sony doesn't own the MLB IP. That was your first post. The end.
  9. Here is what you first said. Sony owns the MLB IP and MLB owns the license. Full backwards retarded ass So like I said don't backtrack now.. You claimed Sony owns the MLB IP... Lmfao.
  10. MLB because Sony is under a development contract to develop the games for MLB... The IP holder You think IP only encompasses likeness.... Lmfao. Thanks for the laughs ghostz... I've been laughing st your dumb ass for two days straight now. All of this because you thought When MS said Xbox games they meant gamepass, 3rd party etc was coming to Nintendo. You don't understand 1st and 3rd party.. IP, developers and publishers. Clueless fuck.
  11. Dumb ass the likeness is also part of the IP doesn't mean it's the entire of the IP... You continue to show how stupid you are
  12. Ghostz - "they made new teams, new stadiums..... But it's identical" Those new teams, players, stadiums, sounds, music etc has to be coded you dense ox. They don't own the NFL IP hence they had to create their own separate game, after they lost the license with a new IP called Pro Football.
  13. You missed the IP rights are own by the MLB? Ghostz you are seriously the stupidest mother fucker on this site... Bar none.
  14. Game set and match. They had to develop a new game after they lost the license to use the NFL IP and could not develop their own game while under contract for the license. They had to create a new IP called Pro football... Which is a different IP dumbass. You still don't know what IP means.
  15. According to ghostz... Ubi soft owns the Mario IP now it seems. Platinum owns the Bayonetta IP it seems. EA apparently owns the Madden IP too. Because according to his dumbass a license to use an IP means you own it
  16. That was developed and released before or after they lost the license? Do you need ns explanation of what while means? Lmfao.
  17. Of course your example is stupid just like you. Who said anything about owning the actual company you dumb cunt... Lmfao. If you developed the steering wheel while under contract with the MLB to develop steering wheels for them... Then yes the steering wheel belongs to them. Your example is like if Sony developed a baseball game while not being under contract from the MLB, while not getting paid by the MLB to develop it. and then they asked MLB to use their name.. You really lack basic knowledge on how this works.
  18. Reading is essential. Key words are "While under contract" , you think the developer owns the code they create while under contract? That belongs to the IP holder, which in this case is MLB.
  19. Bitch-tre lost from the time he ran away in tears from the other thread and came in this thread triggered as fuck. It's been a month now and he is still ass blasted
  20. No they will have to make a separate game.. Not the same one..... Reading is essential. "All MLB games Sony develops while under the current development contract belongs to the MLB... The IP owner." Not get the fuck out my class you dumb motherfucker.
  21. No shit you were exaggerating the number you dumb cunt
  22. As usual you thought wrong. Illegals cannot vote in the United States.... Despite what Fox tells you Damn you can't vote here... Ah well.
  23. Sony doesn't own the IP "MLB The show" , that belongs to MLB. Hence why MLB could dictate what to do with the IP. All games developed with MLB the show belongs to MLB the ip owner. All MLB games Sony develops while under the current development contract belongs to the MLB... The IP owner. MLB did release a MLB game, it was called MLB the show on Xbox and Nintendo, they paid Sony to develop it and MLB published it. If Sony releases a baseball game called "baseball the show" they can do that because it wouldn't have anything to do with the MLB IP, again whic
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