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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Who are you voting for in the next United States of America Presidential election Mr Canadian?
  2. 1/4 of the population are born trans? The USA has over 300 million people, you're saying 75 million people were born trans? Retarded much?
  3. MLB owns the game... Sony has a license to publish it on Sony systems. Which other console is Sony publishing MLB the show on?
  4. Your dumb thought Sony owned the IP. Your dumbass thought Sony published it om Xbox. How can you be so stupid all the time?
  5. Licensed doesn't mean own the IP dumbass... And Sony doesn't publish it on Xbox or Nintendo... MLB does. Your stupidity cannot be helped.
  6. They can't use the MLB the show name without MLBvs permission because MLB owns the IP..... Lmfao at saying Sony owned the IP. 2nd of all Sony doesn't publish the game on other platforms... MLB does that. So even if Sony made the game without MLB affiliated likeness.. It wouldn't be published on Xbox So not only does Sony not own the IP, they don't publish it on other platforms. Once Sony brings over its own IPs from PlayStation and PC to either a Nintendo system or an Xbox system... Then they will be considered full 3rd p
  7. Publisher(s): Sony Interactive Entertainment; MLB Advanced Media Have a seat. The Xbox version isn't even published by Sony.. It was published by the owner of the IP... MLB. Sony has a license to use the MLB IP... That in no way shape or form is ownership of said IP.
  8. No Sony does not own the IP for the game. MLB themselves publish some versions of the game and I believe another company published another version. Sony Publishers maybe one version of the game themselves now. Sony is the developer and only has a development deal but has no ownership or claims on the MLB IP. MLB has full ownership of their own IP. Update* The Xbox version is published by MLB themselves. The PlayStation version published by Sony, not sure who published the Switch version. Publisher(s): Sony Interactiv
  9. You continue to show your stupidity. IP means intellectual property. MLB is not a Sony IP... Dumbass. You really displayed your stupidity today
  10. Wait so you think this announcement had something to do with Xbox no longer releasing games on their own platforms? Not only did you think it meant gamepass and Xbox versions of 3rd party games... You also thought it meant they would stop releasing games on Xbox hardware that is currently on the market? You're more stupid than I thought. But to answer your question... If Sony starts bringing some of their first party games that are on PS4/PS5/PC to either Nintendo or Xbox... Yes they would considered full 3rd party publisher. An
  11. Boy you're fucking extra stupid today aren't you. They have exclusives to either Nintendo or Sony though.... Yet they're still a full 3rd party publisher to Xbox. They also have games that skips systems.. But arre still considered full 3rd party on that system. Octopath traveler II skipped Xbox... That must mean Square Enix isn't full 3rd party anymore? Right?.... Lmfao. Also don't try to squirm out from your dumbass thinking anything about this announcement has anything to do gamepass a d Xbox versions of 3rd party games..... H
  12. I thought it was Additional Not all ... Xbox already published games on Switch. Full third party doesn't mean the entire first party catalog will be on Nintendo Systems dumbass. Square, Capcom, EA, Ubi and others are full 3rd party yet not all of their entire catalog are on Xbox, Nintendo or Sony. There are games from each of those 3rd party that skip one or two of those systems. Yet they're still full 3rd party right You're a fucking retard.
  13. Yea.. Lemij was arguing that this is the future model that both Nintendo and Sony would follow.... Any day now....
  14. Xbox going full 3rd party doesn't mean they're putting 3rd party games on Nintendo Systems you dumb cunt... It meant that they would be publishing additional Xbox first party content on an outside system..... Hense they would be considered a 3rd party publisher on said system (Nintendo System). You're the only retard who doesn't understand 1st and 3rd party.... No wonder you thought it meant gamepass and Xbox versions of 3rd party games.... Lmfao.
  15. I took it as additional first party games not all. You took it to mean literally all games on Xbox both 1st and 3rd party... As well as gamepass
  16. The conversion was about whether they will bring additional first party content, all first party content or just COD (if the deal closes) There are already Xbox game studio games on Switch..... He clarified that this announcement deal is for COD. No one and I mean no one thought it was third party games except you.. Because everyone knows how 1st and 3rd party works Lol
  17. "we already have 20 titles on Nintendo and to use adds COD to it" As I said the entire conversation has noting to do with 3rd party.
  18. The CEO of the gaming division and the Microsoft president both called it Xbox games. You're the only retard who thought they meant 3rd party games
  19. Bro you're beyond retarded. Xbox games Ms is talking about are first part games. They've branded their first party games ss such. Microsoft cannot bring 3rd party games to other systems you dense clown because they don't own publishing rights to 3rd party games. How can you be on SW for over a decade and don't know how 1st and 3rd party works. You're so fucking stupid
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