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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Epic bump. Remij and Jennifer took over for Whippit with the Scorpio hype. Too bad Scorpio was a mistake. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  2. Just finished the main quest for Mario SRPG on Switch. Such a godly game the music is phenomenal too. Now onto the special stages. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  3. I just beat the mini boss in the final world. Been playing sporadically. I loved every mintute of this game. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  4. man, shit is fire. accept my switch friend request GD.... Grrrr. Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
  5. how badass was the final boss? Much better than RE5 for sure... Started playing the special stages on mario land 3D
  6. GD im sure you are very happy that you bought this day 1...... best RE this gen
  7. Just fought the boos on chapter 6....only half way through the game... My playthrough came out to about 12 hours. They really did put in quite a lot of content. I haven't tried raid mode as yet...but I heard it's ownage....Have you tried it as yet?
  8. Just fought the boos on chapter 6....only half way through the game...
  9. Just got to chapter 6... Revelations is so much better than RE5 its not even funny... better bosses, better atmosphere, much longer game, better pacing etc... In short... Game ownz
  10. Just got to the second BOSS in revelations.......got to go back an finish up 3d land....but revelations has me fully engrossed
  11. PUSSY :reggie: says the guy who has it burnt/on usb but is too scared to play past the title screen :reggie: Videogames and movies can't scare me...im an adult....sorry kiddo :reggie:
  12. NOTE: The entire month of december US and Europe sales are not included, There's 1 more week of Japanese sales that has still to come in. 1.01m Japan 1.32m Americas 0.86m Others Total = 3.19m Oh oh alot of doubters will be banned:D (User was banned for this post; Reason: bet)
  13. 2 mil 2.48:p 0.68m Japan 1.18m Americas 0.62m Others
  14. Do you honestly believe the Wii is only sitting at 1 million sold when 600,000 alone were sold in the US at launch, with 3 other launches having already sold out in other countries? It's Tala what do you expect he's a retard:|
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