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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. So yes you're retarded confirmed. Nothing you said there is happening based on these current announcements. Lemming hopes and dreams.. Lol
  2. Xbox games as in first party games. You claim to be an avid Xbox user but don't know they branded their first party games Xbox games?
  3. GeForce now has a 25 million user base? Wow didn't know that. Yea MS is going 3rd party... Lemmings are extinct now
  4. Where in the announcement did they say Switch? They said to Nintendo.. Which obviously means whatever system/s Nintendo releases within the next 10 years will have Xbox games. Switch 1 has already gotten a bunch of smaller Xbox games... This deal is different. Also Where in the Nintendo announcement did they say steaming? They specifically said streaming for GeForce because that's a streaming service.
  5. Bro are you retarded are you just slow? Gamepass is a service. This announcement has nothing to do with gamepass.
  6. Im not saying you said that.. I literally quoted his words. "in those situations pretending men shouldn't rape is stupid" those are Andrew tates words. Your response to that was "in context it doesn't look so bad" No matter how you spin it, the person doing the raping is responsible for the Rape. The logic you're trying to soft defend is basically saying "I raped you but it's your fault I raped you" derp derp. You can't wrap your head around the fact that his words and actions make you think he is guilty.... And because I posted
  7. No you're retarded for 1) blindly defending people that you don't know anything about 2) Predictably down playing what he said. TATE- "in those situations pretending men shouldn't rape is stupid".... Ramza... "eh with context not that bad" And lastly again... Here you go with the projection. In the orginal thread I posted the facts. You came to your own conclusions.
  8. They're not going to sell off the studios. They're going to mine craft the big franchises and become a full 3rd party publisher.
  9. Its worded as Xbox games and COD. The previous verbal agreement was for COD only. This contract from what the MS executive is saying is for more than just COD.
  10. No you're just retarded and uninformed as always. He has been banned from Twitter since 2016-17 when he started ranting and raving about women should bare responsibility for being raped.... (Musk unbanned him recently and I believe he eventually got banned again.. Lol) Coincidently Tate in 2016 made the rape comments when talking about Harvey WEinstein.... He was using the same language you are using in certain aspects to defend Harvey but not take responsibility for defending him.... Just like how you're defending Tate but don't want to take responsibili
  11. Yea we get Microsoft is doing this in hopes to get the COD deal completed. But alot of you are missing some of the nuances. Previously it was a verbal agreement for COD only. Everyone knows MS is desperate.. Nintendo knows this too. Now it's an actual contract (obviously the deal will have to go through for the COD agreement to fulfilled)... But Because Microsoft is so desperate.. Nintendo got them to throw in Xbox games as well. Notice he said Xbox games and COD. It would be hilarious if MS doesn't get
  12. Prove what he said? Or prove that you blindly defending him? He was banned from Twitter in 2016 after stating women should "bear responsibility for being sexually assaulted." Musk unbanned him and days later he got arrested and I believe rebanned too... Lol
  13. For some odd reason Bitch-tre was nuclear bomb triggered by this thread... Its been weeks and he is still traumatized. I think the subject hit a little too close to home for him.... Poor schmuck
  14. "women hold responsibility for being raped" - Andrew Tate... The guy you were blindy defending when his arrest news first broke
  15. Wasn't he suspended for a bit because of that and he apologized? It was insensitive... But not sexist. While we're on the topic of news anchors. Have you "caught up" on the texts from fox hosts which show they know theyr'e lying to their base but still peddle the BS... And that they think the stuff is dumb as rocks as well as their viewers .... But it makes them money.... So they keep doing it. Thoughts?
  16. Hey retard you brought it up and then ran away from it once you got cornered
  17. Bitch-tre is the biggest fucking snowflake ass coward on this site. His ass is still triggered from that one thread.... Look at his coward ass run
  18. Including COD. The lemming faction is officially dead. Xbox is full 3rd party now. Update* They have signed a similar deal with Nvidia for GeForce now for PC games. Both Xbox games and Activision games (pending this deal closure).. Xbox is going full 3rd party boys...
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