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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The crazier part is, they will continue to lie about everything and their base will continue to believe them.
  2. If you liked W101 you'll love this. By the time you get to the end you'll be in glee of the crazy combat mechanics. The 2nd play through after you have everything down pat on the highest difficulty is INSANELY good.... Old school hard core good. I hope it's a franchise they continue.
  3. Nah don't try to rewrite history.. You used the word incorrectly for weeks. The changes in that kids book were not important. It did not change the tone of the book. That example was weak as fuck. No im not confused, you're the one who categorized it as a "war on words".... Teh horror.... What will we dooo 😱
  4. Nah don't try to rewrite history.. You used the word incorrectly for weeks. The changes in that kids book were not important. It did not change the tone of the book. That example was weak as fuck. No im not confused, you're the one who categorized it as a "war on words".... Teh horror.... What will we dooo 😱
  5. You brought up " it's why you were up in arms that I called insane woke LGBTQ teachers as groomers. Lmao." and when I point out you have yet to back up your grooming claim.... You say that irrelevant? Lmfao. Thank you for your service as a dedicated solider with your in this culture war fighting on the front lines against the war on words... Changing fat and ugly enormous and beastly was the last straw, go get gem soldier
  6. Im pretty sure he's been asking you to back up your grooming claim.... Yet you have not done so one time I quoted you about that book example because that was nothing burger in the Culture War battle of the war of words Thank you for your service
  7. Read my updated post. Are you a solider in the culture war of "war against words?" have you enlisted to fight?
  8. "War on language".... Listen to yourself...that's culture war BS. What right wing media outlet shoved that down your throat and now you're repeating. This fool actually said this is a WAR ON LANGUAGE Yes being a private company does justify those changes... They own the books.. Its their IP... They can do what they want with it.... And they choose to change a few words and keep the same tone of the books. Plus it's books for little children... Who ironically we tell to not call others fat and ugly.. Yet they're reading it in the kids books?
  9. I already addressed it.. You're the one dodging the real censorship. The books aren't banned... They changed a few words. Yes the Private company. Oh no you're beastly and enormous instead of fat and ugly.....teh horror. Meanwhile you have the actual government of Florida catering to right wing lunatics and out right banning thousands of books from schools..... Leading to empty bookshelves... No issue in Ramza's eyes You constantly prove that you keep falling for culture war BS that the right wimg media themselves think is stupid and
  10. That dodge. Government banning thousands of books.. No issue. Private company exercising their right as a private company, while still maintaining the tone of the book.... OMG teh horror
  11. That dodge They're related.. Its about censorship of books right? so you do have no problem with the government in Florida banning thousands of books that have been in school for decades upon decades..to the point that book shelves in classes are empty. But a private company changing a few words in a book, but still keeping the same tone of the book and not banning the book is the issue for you? And also banning all AP courses (optional college credit classes offered in high school for high performing students) that included African stu
  12. The game is so so. 7 at best for all the reasons Voidler pointed out that has zero to do with politics. Harry Potter fans will love it because the production values are good and it's world building in the HP universe is what the fans eat up as well. HP is a huge property and the game will do well commercially and it has also done decently critically despite you going on for weeks about how all reviewers will tank it because they're all woke leftist who hate JK Rowling ... Yet somehow it has an 80 something avg... What happened to all the reviewers tanki
  13. A timeless Banger https://www.metacritic.com/game/switch/metroid-prime-remastered
  14. That's a private business making a decision. They changed up the language a bit but as they said the sharp edged tone of the books remain. Yet you have no issue with Florida banning so many books in schools that the book shelves in schools are literally empty. Books that have been used in schools world wide for decades and are still being used across the world and other states.
  15. Bitch-tre ran the fuck out that thread and has been triggered since the post shown below. Watch his snowflake avoid it like the cuck bitch he is
  16. Fasting selling game in the franchise, bring on part 4
  17. Bitch-tre lost the minute he ran from that other thread into this thread crying up a storm. He's so traumatized, he's still avoiding the thread... Going on 3 weeks now
  18. Early last year the Text messages between Fox personalities and the Trump white house leaked. Showing that fox was a the literal propaganda wing of the Trump administration. When the news broke the cuckservatives on this site said "Im still catching up to the story, can't comment".....for the first time they wanted more facts and as more facts came out.... They apparently never caught up to the story... Strange... Real strange...
  19. He got curb stomped in that thread and ran to this thread crying and hasn't looked back since.... That bitch ass been triggered for damn well 3 weeks now... What a fucking snowflake
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