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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Yes we get it, you prefer to play it with 20 year old assets, geometry and textures.. Good for you. Why are you so emotionally invested that you felt the need to come in the thread to try to convince others that's better?
  2. And he is still running away from the thread You were my bitch for over two weeks straight and your still scared to post in that thread again after getting owned...
  3. You have it backwards. This is a Metroid Remastered thread. You're the one who is so emotionally invested that you came into a thread about the remaster to tell us you prefer to play the upres GC version on PC. (while this for some weird reason doesn't apply to deck)..... Ok good for you. We didn't come in a thread about the PC emulated version to try to convince you that the Switch version is better, you came in here to for some reason tell us that you prefer to play games at 4K on PC *excluding deck of course*
  4. The lack of AA is only apparent on certain inorganic metallic structures... For the rest of the game, the other 98% its not an issue. only really noticeable in metallic, artificial structures You know it's a Banger when that's the best critique you could come up with
  5. I never understood hermits bragging about playing poorly emulated Switch games with game breaking glitches, missing effects, inconsistent frame rates, constant crashes etc and this is even after you spent 2 hrs tinkering with the settings just for the game to boot up. Such ownage right? Lol
  6. This clown got owned in one thread, ran away from that thread, was so triggered his tears flowed into this thread and immediately turned in an NPC Cuck and then became my bitch for the last two weeks
  7. Post of vid of how ir runs on your deck... Because of all the videos I've seen like the one Jehurey pasted it runs sub 30fps, with broken graphics and tons of glitches. You must have a magic deck with a version of the game you patched yourself
  8. I doubt his case will take years to be called but it will be a couple of months
  9. Yes you haven't been following it and you don't want to assume guilt... Yet somehow you have no qualms with blindy defending and trying to make light of the case against him.... For what you haven't followed... Makes sense. Are you a child? You think the entire court system was just waiting for Andrew Tates case? Other cases ahead of his should just be bypassed because he is your idol? Lmfao. You do know that bail has to be granted right? You're not automatically afforded bail. His defense obviously could not present a strong enough argument for the judge to grant
  10. Jeezus.... I disowned that Bitch and she is still on my dick
  11. Well besides his website spells out the grooming that he is accused of... And besides the text messages they have of him... Oh yea and the audio recordings of him... Besides those things let's not assume... I agree. What specific circumstances of this case are you talking about? You are aware the authorities gathered evidence for over a year before they arrested them right? A Judge reviewed it recently and extended their holding time in prison until the trial. This happens in cases all the time, especially if the defendants pose a flight risk to escape j
  12. I already have the first game and just got to the boss of the 2nd game. This is a great deal for anyone has had never played either game though.
  13. You still have a working NES or you bought those games to resell?
  14. Locked 60fps, modernized textures, updated models, vastly improved lighting etc. So it seems this runs on the most recent version of Retro's internal engine (RUDE). Basically serving as a preview of the OG Switch version Prime 4 This year will make it 5 years since Retro took over prime 4 from Namco.... Can't wait to see it at Nintendo's big Direct around e3 time.
  15. That's a lemming trait through and through. Hate of games until it's on Gamepass and then all of a sudden it's their GOTY.
  16. Yes the pure gameplay holds up well. Keep in mind the game doesn't hold your hand at all. Though.. there's a hint feature you can turn on that tells you where to go (not how to get there) if you're lost for a long time (from playing the remaster it seems as if they shortened this, so you would get notified a bit quicker compared to the orginal). Outside of that you have to figure out where to go own your own based on environmental clues, your availabilities and exploration. Keep in mind it is not an FPS... Its literally a Metroid Adventure gam
  17. Make a thread about what games to play on PS5. In the meantime this thread is about Xbox coming in dead last and declining even further.
  18. No shit, only stupid lemmings believed gamepass would increase sales.
  19. This bitch has outlived her usefulness it's time to put her down
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