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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Holding you to your own logic is being Jerry lite? Lmfao. You couldn't even answer the same questions you posed... It's ok, your hypocrisy got the best you
  2. Good luck finding Bayonetta 2 physical for retail price.
  3. Growth in PS5 and Switch were offset by offset by declines in other platforms. AKA the Xbox Series of consoles For the Switch to rank #2 in revenue also means Xbox tanked because Switch is much cheaper than Xbox.
  4. Launch models are more susceptible to the drift... Since I got mine fixed by Nintendo for free about 4 years ago... It has not had the drift issue again. Yes a successor is coming out soon that will be fully BC.... But they typically have excellent trade in programs when you pre-order the new system..(after launch you don't get that extra trade value.) Try to get a used Switch in good condition, keep it until the new model comes out... Take advantage of the pre-order trade-in launch bonus and you could probably get the same value you paid for a used lite.
  5. Well first off Prime is not your typical FPS game.. Its an Adventure game in first person and it does not control like a typical dual stick FPS game and was originally designed to play on console controllers. 2nd of all this isn't just an uprez game... The assets, geometry, lighting etc was all remade and the contributers to the PC hacked Metroid Prime said the Switch version is currently better than the PC one because all the assets were modernized. Where as the current PC hack version is the just and uprez GC game. Now in a couple of months when this ve
  6. Get the OLED model, try to get it used to pay less. But if price is your main concern then the lite is the cheap entry model.
  7. I have a fully trained bitch at my disposal, your master commands you to get down on all fours and bark
  8. I'm not bitching about the deck, I'm using your logic to ask you the same question you posed.... Im just asking questions As you said.. Its 2023 why are you playing games in 720p when you can play it in 4K on a PC? Outside of indies, Which "some games" are better suited for the small screen on deck when no games are made specifically for deck? Whereas the Prime Remaster was made specifically for Switch so the small screen was factored in to the portable mode for this game.
  9. I forgot how good the the audio ks in this game. it's is so atmospheric and legit every track is spectacular.
  10. Goukosan


    "Best movie of all time" - Cooke "deep and thought provoking" - Twinblade
  11. DIGITAL Foundry disagrees with you. The work put into this remake is on par with the work put in for demon souls PS5.
  12. With that logic, It's 2023 why are playing games at 720p on deck then when you can play it on PC at 4K with mouse controls and better textures, RT, better lighting etc?
  13. Oh shit.. Octopath II prolog shadow dropped today as well?
  14. Im not waiting because the new system will have its own bangers.
  15. They wouldn't announce a Switch 2 a year in advance or 9 months in advance to cannibalize the OG system. This is the last full calendar year of the OG Switch being the main Nintendo system. The next gen switch is on the Horizon.
  16. Remember the story was that Retro started development remaking all three Prime games... Then Bamco got pulled off Prime 4 development and it was given to Retro. At that point the 3 remakes plans were shelved and the Metroid Prime 1 remake development that had already started was shifted to a remaster so Retro could dedicate its full development resources to Prime 4.
  17. Nintendo's first 70 game that will also be available for 50 directly from Nintendo through game vouchers which allow you to purchase two 60 dollar games for 50 a piece at launch.
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