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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Catching up on recent AAA first party bangers that I missed like Ghosts of Tsushima
  2. Ghostz the persona fan only because it's on Xbox now... Lol Definitely not playing a 10 year old port of person 4
  3. It's not a new game. And now all of a sudden that Xbox gets this port almost 10 years later... Let me guess... You love persona now?
  4. And the triggered snowflake NPC keeps on cucking... Keep showing everyone how I totally broke you
  5. Fake outage performative Bullshit. Mind you only 8% of Florida own gas stoves... Aka the ultra rich because Florida infrastructure wasn't set up for gas stoves, so you have to pay out the nose to install it. He just gave a tax break to the ultra rich but Paraded it as if it was for the common man. Republicunts.
  6. Gland you admitted you're fake boying because of scores GHOSTZ - "Not my cup of tea until I realize I can fake boy off it"
  7. Yea after the reviews came out doofus. You can stop being a fake boy now
  8. Its not your cup of tea and then... You magically like it as soon as it AAA'd..... Like I said fakeboy.
  9. One AAA game in 3 years and you say this? 3 2 1 until other lemmings who've been gone for months magically show up.
  10. @Cookegets his views on this from Tucker Carlson and Tulsi....what did you expect?
  11. I can see that. he is crying for help, quick someone shut his program down and end his pathetic existence... He is suffering here
  12. The mammal comparison was yours you shit eating, baby eating cannibal
  13. Someone needs to put bhytre and his snowflake NPC ass out of his misery
  14. Animals also eat shit, eat their young, eat other animals within their own species , guess that's all natural for humans too going by your logic. Cooke is shit eating, baby eating cannibal confirmed
  15. This is on Switch? Has there been any Switch previews or Switch gameplay trailers? Or are you buying this blind?
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