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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Awww you need a safe space?... Can't believe how triggered you still are over that thread
  2. A literal triggered thin skinned snowflake... Sensitive bitch
  3. The fake outage list keeps growing Now it's ban all gas appliances, ban all automobiles and apparently also destroy suburban areas and cram everyone into cities. Can't make this shit up..... Oh wait.. Yea you can... Because The right wing media and politicians keep making this shit up and their gullible base keeps eating it up and asking for more.
  4. This is the issue. Their coverage has waaaay too many dead zones.
  5. I live in Long Island NY... No mountains... Just terrible T-Mobile coverage. Even when I lived in NYC they had the worst coverage.
  6. Nazis were pro soviet union? How stupid are you?
  7. Dat persecution complex. What is with you retards and creating arguments for others and then arguing against it. This isn't an attack on homeschooling, it's a story on how Neo Nazi's are grooming kids into neo nazism using home schooling. If I post a story about Neo Nazi's using YouTube to recruit and indoctrinate people... Is that an attack on YouTube you simpleton? So again I ask, what about this story about Neo Nazi's grooming kids has you triggered?
  8. Damn you got instantly triggered and ran in mouth foaming with a bad faith argument. What about this story makes YOU feel attacked?
  9. A revival of a old fake outrage that has become a new fake outage. For some odd reason... The right seems awfully triggered with Dr. Jill Biden.
  10. Goukosan

    Trump 2024

    Ashamed of Biden in a comparison between him and Trump? Lmfao... You say the stupidest shit. But No retard.... I wasn't even really comparing the two per se. What's with you creating arguments for people and then arguing against it? Ghostz mentioned Biden. I responded to him saying Trump will lose to him too. The point being even if Biden does or does not run Trump will do worse and lose again. Could be to Gavin Newsom, Pete etc... Trump will lose. As Twinblade aptly said.... Trump will get no dem votes, no independen
  11. Oh you don't knw where she's coming from.... So you can't read now? She says "teh dems" want to ban gas stoves, ceiling fans, Furnaces, Dishwashers, microwaves and gas stoves. To make sure you get the full list Ted Cruz REPUBLICAN SENATOR has you covered. Add coffee and Xbox on there too
  12. Goukosan

    Trump 2024

    Thread is about Trump 2024. The context is Trump is the presidential Nominee. Notice my posts was about how Trump will do... Aka the thread topic.. Keep up
  13. You keep repeating something that was never said and arguing against a point that you made up for us. Stop the disingenuous shit. Fact is... The right wing media and politicians do create fake outage, you can't deny that they do.... So instead you're trying to create a tangent about how "they don't do it all the time, why are you guys saying that's all they do" ... When no one was making that point. Again you're not fooling anyone with your tactics. Fact is... The right wing politicians and Media creates a ton of fake outrage culture war BS a
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