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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Goukosan

    Trump 2024

    Wait you think Trump has an actual chance to be re-elected President? Did you miss the "red wave" that didn't materialize and almost all the Trump backed governors and congressman etc lost? Goodluck
  2. First off you were talking to me, don't try this "you guys" BS of lumping us together. 2nd of all... No where in that quote did he imply everything coming from the right is made up. He is saying that the right wing media tells you what you be outraged about, you guys get outraged and then they report on the outrage of their audience to their audience.
  3. And the fake outage continues. Republican house Representative once again pushing the BS. Let's add Ceiling Fans Furnaces Dishwashers Microwaves to the list @Ramza and @Cooke.... They're coming for all your household appliances... How outraged are you retards?
  4. Goukosan

    Trump 2024

    Doesn't matter who you like, Trump will do worse in 2024 than he did in 2020.
  5. Goukosan

    Trump 2024

    Lmfao. I hope Trump is the nominee. Biden will crush him again.
  6. It was made up because the right wing talking heads who were pushing this shit DAMN WELL KNEW there wasn't a ban coming for gas stoves. It was used again to stoke fake outrage and continue this silly culture war that they love so much.
  7. You lack of self awareness is hilarious
  8. First off... You didn't even know the fake ban was about consumer stoves.... You were wrong about it being commercial too. Yet, here you are trying to justify why you brought up commercial stoves...you love to double down on being wrong and strong...don't you And who gives a shit about Canada? This fake ban was about America, where less than 38% of Americans use gas stoves in their homes. The majority of gas stove usage is on the costal states.... While red Republican states have pretty much stopped using gas stoves all together. Yet the fake outra
  9. Hey whatever delusional shit you want to believe to make you feel better about Xbox not having hack shit since the gen started... Go right ahead. Not argue with a retard who thinks a next gen update of an old game is a new game.
  10. It's a next gen upgrade.... that's not a new game..stop being retarded. MM was glorified DLC. Spider-Man 2 is a full in sequel. The end.
  11. Only lemmings will count a next gen update of an old game as a brand new game.... Understandable since that's all lemmings have been playing on Xbox this gen
  12. Ghostz stop being retarded... FPS was a very PC centric genre in the 90s and had superior FPS games compared to consoles.
  13. Wrestling and Kart games had success on consoles already. Back then FPS on consoles were an afterthought, it wasn't thought of a genre that consoles players wanted or cared for. Was seen as a PC centric genre. Golden Eye changed all that and showed that their was a market for FPS games on consoles.
  14. Again, that's great for PCs. Golden Eye and PD were pioneers in the console space.
  15. Without the memory pack PD is garbo. It should have been a memory pack only game. But with it... Shiiiiiiit.. Played much better both in single player and Multi.
  16. That's great for PCs but golden eye was the first block buster AAA FPS game on consoles both commercially and critically. It showed there was a huge market for FPS multiplayer on consoles. Prior do that FPS games on consoles didn't do that great and it was thought of as a PC focused genre.
  17. Spider-Man 2 is the 4th in 5 years? Ghostz retardation is off the charts with this one
  18. Sounded like some sort of therapy.. Didn't hear her mention pills from what I saw so far.
  19. You hit the nail on the head. Funny enough, if Twinblade had watched the interview that's exactly what she is talking about. She is taking about how it's much more complex than calories in vs burned calories. She says that basic short term diets and exercise ALONE works for the majority of people, but those that are morbidly obese it's actually your brain that has now been conditioned to eat that much and your body is now conditioned to store more fat and then on top of that if you are also genetically disposed to be obese.... It will take more than a 10 week diet a
  20. All of a sudden? How stupid are you? Consumer appliance safety reviews and research happen often.... that's the agency's job. You do know appliance manufacturers safety measures is something that the fed agencies do right? It's something that happens frequently and the product safety measure guidelines get updated by the Feds and the manufacturers implement it in the appliances moving forward. Leave it to the low IQ slobs like yourself to turn this process that has been going since the invention of home appliances to be some culture war BS.
  21. Hey retard the facke outrage was about consumer gas stoves not commercial gas stoves. CSPC chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric took to Twitter to push back on the media reports. “I want to set the record straight. Contrary to recent media reports, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the @USCPSC has no proceeding to do so,” “CPSC is researching gas emissions in stoves and exploring new ways to address health risks. CPSC also is actively engaged in strengthening voluntary safety standards for gas stoves. And later this spring, we will be asking the public
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