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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You're not slick dumb ass.... Keep waffling. And he triples down on the gas stove nonsense this is amazing... Continuing to show how he falls for the BS They never considered a ban, they're going to implement additional safety regulations on gas stove manufacturers you dense clown. Only 38% of Americans use gas stoves and the majority of that is in California and NY. The red states have basically stopped using gas stoves completely...... Yet they were still easily fooled into thinking the Feds are going to ban a gas stove that they don
  2. Like I said your waffling ass isn't slick "Bbbut it's a conspiracy until it isn't, they absolutely want to control you".....talking out of both sides of your mouth. And then you double down on the retardation with the gas stoves... Once again proving the point that you fall for the fake outage BS
  3. Your waffling ass isn't slick... And I quote "It's always a conspiracy until it becomes mainstream knowledge, then the left acknowledge and defends it. " And let's not pretend your dumbass along with Cooke and Twinblade didn't fall for the gas stove Bullshit
  4. Exactly.... They constantly fall for that low IQ fake outage culture war shit. "Bbbut the government is coming to take my gas stoves.... Bbbbut they're also coming to take my coffee.... Bbbbut Xbox is coming for your kids with a woke climate agenda"
  5. Reduced hospitalizations and reduced mortality Im glad you agree that more lockdowns were needed
  6. Cooke, The out of context king strikes again. In the conference he is talking about what can be improved in preparation to be better prepared incase another pandemic springs up in the future but at the same time the vaccines accomplished the main goal of reducing hospitalizations and mortality. With that said im glad you agree with gates albeit out of context. He also said what needs to be improved is the response time to implement a lockdown... As in it should have been done faster, should have lasted longer and should have been stricter. It
  7. Verify your account dumbass. Xbox Series X is readily available and still sold like shit. Series S was 199 still sold like shit. Xbox
  8. Or Jan 28th if I chose the closer store Or the 29th if I choose the next store. Matter of fact all best buys in my area have it available for pickup this week.
  9. Ghostz is resorting to lying because he can't show face in the NPD thread
  10. MS drops series S to 199 in Nov. PS5 proceeds to outsell it by 2X in Nov. No wonder ghostz is hiding like a bitch
  11. Look at that wall of text... I struck a nerve didn't I You finding out the game was trash after you played it didn't shed light for me... Because I told you it was shit before you bought it. You just wanted your 80 CAN to find out for yourself. Like I said.. Cry more bitch.
  12. Who said anything about the score? Previews don't have scores genius. The preview content indicted to me that it was trash. Your response when I told you that was that it will be a better game than SMTV. Remember that You played it yourself and confirmed it was shit AT FULL PRICE. Money well spent. The end.
  13. Apparently only you and Aza didn't know it was trash from the reviews... 80 CAN well spent 🙂
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