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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. 2 years? Pffft BOTW charted for over 5 years. BOTW will have the higher sales potential because of the huge switch user base. Spider-Man 2 is PS5 only. With that said.. Both will sell. Boatloads more than anything on Xbox.
  2. Shocker... Republicans are hypocrites.
  3. He denies it's real... But there's even a video.
  4. Stop projecting More grooming... Reminder that a 6 year old brought a loaded gun to school and shot a teacher....
  5. Still avoiding the thread huh @Jerrys Hair Line
  6. The party of hypocrites. Newly elected republican house member... George Santos.... Is a drag queen 👑.
  7. Post cross gen native PS4/X1 game wouldn't even run on 360. Unreal 4 can't run on 360(system only has 512mbs of ram), neither can snowdrop, Neither can Id tech 6.5 or 7 etc. Plus All the rendering techniques from PS4/X1 gen can't run either.
  8. Context- Rise of a tomb raider was a great early X1 gen cross gen game on 360.... But They removed all the "modern rendering" techniques and replaced it with last gen effects to try to simulate something similar. Digital Foundry - "Rise of the Tomb Raider is a cutting-edge game on Xbox One with a lot of modern visual features that exceed what Xbox 360 is capable of." 1) subsurface scattering replaced with faked lighting designed to create a similar appearance. 2) TressFX is removed, replaced instead with hair similar to the Xbox 360 and PS3 ver
  9. We're talking in relation to 360. Compared to 360 it does. Switch supported every graphical technique, engine and API of the PS4/Xbox1 gen... Obviously not as powerful as PS4/Xbox1 those systems are much more powerful but Switch supports the techniques. 360/PS3 simply doesn't have the hardware to support the majority of the techniques from the PS4 gen.
  10. Unfortunately 360 and PS3 hardware (CPU and GPU) doesn't support modern APIs and graphical techniques, it's just not capable to run it... Also let's not forget that 360 had 512mb of ram and PS3 even less
  11. That was a canceled/unfinished port that they revived and released as is. Let's look at actual completed 360 remasters. People forget all the the screen tearing, sub 30fps and sub 720p that was 360 gen. Switch version of those games runs laps around 360.
  12. Switch undocked Looks like ass compared to PS4 and X1 games. But even Undocked those 360 gen remastered games on Switch still run at a higher resolution, better frame rate, no screen tearing, more Modern AA, much better lighting (real time global illustration) , more foliage, better textures etc than 360/PS3.
  13. Real world - Games that struggled on 360 with screen tearing, sub 30fps and at 540p to 600p.....run at full 1080p or 900p, no screen tearing, locked 30fps or 60fps on Switch, with improved textures, lighting etc. You're comparing Xbox1 and PS4 games that run on Switch... To 360...when in fact the 360 cannot run those those PS4 games. When you compare 360 gen games that got remastered on Switch, the Switch version runs circles around the 360. The most graphically intensive games of that gen were the Crysis trilogy of games and they ran like hot mess PS3/36
  14. Those games wouldn't even load up on 360 with its 512mb of ram (Switch has 8x the amount of ram) a GPU that doesn't support current gen features and a CPU that can't run recent APIs. Switch is comfortably above 360, but below Xbox1 and PS4.
  15. Switch becomes the first system to be number 1 in the US for 5 consecutive years.... That cliff
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