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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. And that Nazism is pushing a white supremacy agenda into our media..... Im triggered and outraged like Twinblade about it
  2. I've never called you an anitvaxer... Yes the vaccine has its uses. The intial dose and booster was for everyone and the current boosters are for those that need it.
  3. Im watching Hunters Season II, a character mentions the Fourth Reich.... Why must this white Nazi white supremacy ideology infiltrate modern shows? Yes that's how stupid you sound Twinblade.
  4. Millions of unvaxxed people. As your vaccine expert so eloquently said, the orginal vaccine and booster benefited everyone
  5. Now you're just searching for shit to be upset about. It was one line in the show, they weren't pushing a global warming agenda. Both scientists were giving there theories of what could possibly happen in the future. One mentioned global warming the other did not... You seriously cannot be that thin skinned and easily triggered.
  6. Ramza trying to meme his way out of backing up his BS claims
  7. You're halfway there..... You can do it.. Talk through it step by step. Yes millions were dying because there was no vaccine and the hospitals were overrun. And once the vaccine released and the majority of the population started getting vaccinated the hospitalization rate and the death rate both dropped significantly.
  8. DS is the best selling handheld ever.... Comparing it directly to any handheld will make that other handheld look bad. 3ds still sold almost 90 million.
  9. Cloud computing on Xbox.. 20 times the power of Xbox1.... Lemmings bought this hook line and sinker
  10. Of course he is. He will avoid this thread like the Plague. MS flooded the market for a next gen system for under 200 dollars this holiday and still came in dead last..
  11. So you are contradicting your town vaccine expert source who apparently is an expert ONLY when he says the recent boosters are for people who need it.... But he is not an expert when in that same discussion he said the intial vaccine and booster benefited everyone That's what you get when you're too lazy to actually read beyond the headlines of the links you post Cooke.
  12. You're contradicting your own vaccine expert source that you posted... "everybody benefited from getting vaccinated and boosted" So is he only a vaccine expert when he says that the current boosters are for people who need it? But in that very same article when he says the initial vaccine dose and intial booster are for everyone and benefits everyone by reducing hospitalization and mortality.... All of a sudden he is not a vaccine expert but your are? Lol
  13. Not everyone who has an underlying condition is fat you simpleton. And those millions of people wouldn't have died if they were vaxxed. You know like how the vaccine expert you posted said the vaccine benefited everyone by reducing hospitalization and mortality
  14. If Namco is letting Monolith soft use the IP again, they should do a new entry after the remake.
  15. After a string of terrible 3D games.... It's the first semi decent 3d sonic game in a very long time.... Maybe since the dreamcast days. So sonic fans are eating this up.
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