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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. What's even more hilarious is that Xbox was also a failure that gen, sold only 24 million. His slow ass went back 20 years to point out how many decades Xbox has been a disaster. The only gen Xbox had success for 360..every single single other gen for Xbox has been a disaster
  2. Surprised @Cooke isn't posting about this. Since he apparently cared about the Twitter files soo much.... Shocking
  3. Desert, clouds, Tumble weed and a mountain. Such a diverse lineup for Xbox
  4. Goukosan


    Dude is a certified nut job
  5. Exactly. "if it ain't on gamepass I ain't buying it"
  6. Deck passing MAC gaming kn steam brought enjoyment to you? Lmfao. It's just hilarious seeing you overstate and get over excited over minor insignificant shit "OMG it's surging past the gaming dominance of MAC on steam"
  7. If only they were trans, then Ghostz would be happy
  8. Ghostz - "even if it's a dollar I'ts wasting money" broke tales from a broke dude about paying for games
  9. Ghostz displaying that his lack of reading comprehension is almost as bad as his lack of purchasing games
  10. Your reading comprehension is lacking, just like your game purchases
  11. Goukosan


    Meanwhile they legalized child labor in certain red states and in other red states were pushing to drop the legal age of consent for marriage and sex etc. Sick fucks.
  12. Ghostz was sooo disappointed she was not a tranny
  13. Yes I sell some games I own, keep the majority of them while also pursuing much more new games. The last time I really sold games off was when the WiiU was killed off. Dead System with no future compatability. With Switch 2 my entire library is moving forward. Meanwhile, if it ain't on gamepass you ain't buying shit. You're a perpetual renter.. You rent phones, TVs, furniture etc... Ghostz the layaway and rental king
  14. Broke boy thinks purchasing games are a rip off... It's that mindset that has Xbox in the gutter
  15. I'm not broke, disposable income on game purchases for a hobby. It's great for penny pinchers like you lol
  16. "if it's not on gamepass I ain't buying"
  17. Ghostz things everyone operates like him. If it ain’t on gamepass he ain't buying..... Hence his confusion as to why people are actually purchasing the game lol
  18. Why do you sound so salty? You should be happy that Linux surged past the gaming Juggernaut of MAC gaming. We know they're a absolutely huge in the gaming space. So Linux surpassing MAC on steam is a testament to it's absolutely huge success just like you said right?..... Right?
  19. Ok, so Mac was second to last on the list and Linux Skyrocket past ot to take its place.. Im 2nd to last place?
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