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Posts posted by Goukosan

  1. 16 hours ago, JonDnD said:

    So it went down , then up. Are you retarded ? People just can't be happy that America is doing great! Rofl


    Care to speak on any other or my points ?


    You responded to a conversation to back up DynamiteCop's claim that things were better before. 


    Your slow ass didn't realize that the numbers were that high for Americans working pay check to paycheck between 2017 and 2020.  :umad:

  2. 25 minutes ago, JonDnD said:


    A 2023 survey conducted by Payroll.org highlighted that 78% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck, a 6% increase from the previous year. In other words, more than three-quarters of Americans struggle to save or invest after paying for their monthly expenses.


    Thats America right now. Goobs lives in such a political world that he denies reality. 78% percent of Americans are paycheck to paycheck. Nobody gives a fuck about 401k and and fake inflation numbers. Also, we are old. Sure its great that OUR house values went up, cause we already own homes.


    The reality is, from 5+ years ago house prices are up massively. Rent is up massively. Gasoline is up. Car insurance is up. Average car price is up by over 5000 dollars. Utilities are up. Groceries and consumables are WAY up. Who cares about inflation rates when inflation is being manufactured and everything is more expensive?


    Ask the average person how they feel about infrastructure and economy when most people are struggling WAY more now than ever.  Inflation is so low, great, why am i spending more money on everything? Nice, oil production is through the roof! but why does it cost more now? Young people are fucked. Us olds have it easy because we are already in a better position. But you are a selfish person.


    I mean lets be honest, you would never brag about any of those points if/when Trump was/will be president. FACTS. Nobody could possibly like you in real life. 


    Also, credit card debt is the highest its ever been in the US. Economy is booming, because people are spending money they dont have. Thats great.


    Aug 2017-

    Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck


    "Seventy-eight percent of full-time workers said they live paycheck to paycheck, up from 75 percent last year, according to a recent report from CareerBuilder." 







    July 2018

    Almost 80% of US workers live from paycheck to paycheck. 


  3. 30 minutes ago, DynamiteCop said:

    Dumb Democrats enjoy spending more money on absolutely everything. You just can't fix stupid. 


    You hate to see America do well... Sad. 

  4. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

    You are so tone-deft to the point of daily realities. Your 401k isn't doing shit for you right now, but guess what? Absolutely everything you consume, use and rely on is roughly 30% more expensive than it was meaning the cost of living is 30% higher than it was.


    You can't possibly be this retarded.


    You just said we can see the impact on our accounts... You also said it's not benefiting regular Americans. 


    I agreed, but it's a positive impact :umad:


    My property value increased. 

    Did I mention I got a superb rate on a CD that matures in a couple of months? :luigi: 


    Also the entire planet was in a global pandemic which lead to inflation throughout the world. 


    But Guess which country now has the lowest inflation in all of the G7.. Yup the USA.


    Not sure why you're upset that our economy is booming, unemployment is low, Jobs numbers are high, manufacturing is back, infrastructure is being invested in, Oil production is through the roof, chip manufacturing plants are building plants in the US again, health insurance is cheaper for millions of Americans etc. :salute:








  5. 1 hour ago, DynamiteCop said:

    You're not fooling anyone retard, we have eyes, ears and bank accounts. We all see how we're all getting severely fucked across the board financially.


    What a schill.

    Checks my 401k... 13.5% growth in the past month alone :mario:

  6. On 2024-04-27 at 10:35 AM, Cooke said:

    What percentage of the population vote in primaries gouk? 


    On 2024-04-27 at 5:03 PM, Goukosan said:


    First thing first.. The red wave was a midterm not a primary.


    2nd of all you're proving my point, when I said ONLY voting matters. 


    Opinion polls mean shit if you don't actually show up to vote.   


    3rd thing - the total number of people who voted in the primaries is greater than the number of people they use for the polls. 


    4th - what percentage of the population is polled? You do know how opinion polls work right? :umad:



    Stop running @Cooke

  7. 10 minutes ago, Cooke said:

    You're trying to make a point i wasn't making. You're projecting. One last time. I wasn't talking about Trump's morals or integrity. I was taking about his energetic personality compared to Biden. It's pretty simple but you're so fucking obtuse. 

    You're back peddling and failing :drake:

  8. On 2024-04-29 at 8:08 PM, DynamiteCop said:

    Oh seriously shut the fuck up with that nonsense because no one wants to hear about how the stock market is doing. Talk about a tone deaf leftist dumb fuck.


    That stuff is great and all for people who have major investments or those interested in excessive low-paying jobs but the reality is for everyday people which includes every single one of us the average cost of living has increased by nearly 30% since this administration took control.


    Like I said if you got a $10,000 raise it has been completely evaporated by the cost of goods, services and housing. We are all poorer now than we were even with increased wages, and if you've had no raise you're financially accelerating in reverse.


    I can't imagine being as retarded as you people are and sitting there trying to pass off all this dumb shit with a straight face. You are an embarrassment.


    Just like I thought, you have no tangible points to back up your claims.  Never change DynamiteCop :umad:


    The stuff I listed is great for the average American as well dipshit. 


    1) Bringing manufacturing back to the US at a record pace (more well paying jobs for the average American) 


    2) Record levels of oil production (again more well paying jobs) 


    3) Stock Market booming - this benefits any average middle class American with a 401K or retirement plans.  I've seen more growth in my 401K in the last two years than ever before. 


    Some stuff I left out


    4) Healthcare - reduced cost in critical medicine for elderly people, diabetics and hearing impaired - this benefits the average American. 


    5) chips act - again more jobs and investment into America becoming the #1 chip manufacturer in the world down the road. No more depending on China. 


    6) infrastructure - billions into projects around the country in all states - again creating more well paying jobs for the average American

  9. 3 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Anyone could say it was lacking compared to what it is today.  Back then, yes, people obviously did... but my argument is that most people never tried to give it a halfway chance.  Their minds were made up before they played it.


    There was far less content, sure, but there was hours and hours worth of gameplay regardless..  It wasn't just about doing x or y.. there's obviously a huge multiplay


    That's the nature of the market. If it's not compelling enough at or around launch... Then you lose the audience and the mindshare, both of which are hard to get it back once you lose it. 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Remij said:

    Never said that though.  I just said that it didn't deserve the completely terrible reviews of 4s and 5s back then.  It was a solid game back then... now it's better.


    At launch? That shit was lacking. It getting better a year later doesn't change what it launched as. 

  11. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    We don't have to regurgitate the old argument when that's not the point.  The game has been better for years and years already even if you consider your viewpoint... so it didn't "take 8 years" to make it better...  It's taken 8 years for the game to be reviewed again.


    My entire point has always been that if the game was reviewed again, and this is true for the last 7 years... that it would score differently than before which I've always felt wasn't truly reflective of it. :shrug: 


    That's great and all, but that's not the same as saying the game was just as good at launch when it got reviewed as is now.  


    Again it's not that serious, we can also wait for more then four reviews as well 

  12. 17 hours ago, Cooke said:

    You're talking in circles. I'm not talking about the morality of Donald Trump. 


    His lack or morality is the fabric that drives his personality dip shit but that wasn't the point..


    LOL at you saying Trump's personality makes up for his other character shortcomings and then trying to spin ot that it's not a defense of him 🤣




  13. 1 minute ago, Remij said:

    Yes it was better, even back then.  The game was always better than 4s and 5s out of 10.  The gameplay loop is 100% solid, and there was hours and hours of gameplay there.


    It's simply better now.


    Nah it got what it deserved then, it's a better game now and is getting better scores now. 

  14. 11 minutes ago, Remij said:

    It's not that serious...  Clearly I'm making this thread because of how much I've argued for this game's gameplay loop over the years and how the game has improved.  I've always maintained the game was always better than what the initial reviews would say.  I'm simply confident we'll see now a better picture of what the game actually deserves today.




    Yes it's not serious at all.. But 


    The game wasn't better than the initial reviews said. Rare over promised and under delivered at launch. 


    Reviewers can't review a game on its potential to be a better game in 8 to 10 years time.  

  15. On 2024-04-28 at 2:44 PM, DynamiteCop said:

    What is there to back up lol, are you dumb? All of us are spending hundreds if not thousands more on the same everyday things.


    Life is worse, considerably so.


    "all of us are spending thousands more on everyday things".


    You made a claim that everything was better under Trump and that's the evidence you came up with? :drake:



    The economy added more than 14 million jobs. The number is now nearly 4.9 million higher than before the pandemic.


    The unemployment rate dropped back to just above the pre-pandemic low.  (hit a 50 year low under Biden) 


    Defying expectations, the nation’s economy expanded 2.5% in 2023, third straight year of economic growth. 


    The S&P 500 has increased 28.2%. (record highs under Biden, investments are booming) 


    Crude oil production is up 12.7% (record oil Production by the US under Biden) 


    Manufacturing Jobs... During the presidential campaign, Biden promised he had a plan to create a million new manufacturing jobs. 


    As of December, the U.S. added 790,000 manufacturing jobs during Biden’s time, a 6.5% increase in the space of 35 months, according to the BLS. Furthermore, the December total is 201,000, or 1.6%, above the number of manufacturing jobs in February 2020, before the pandemic forced plant closures and layoffs. (Bringing manufacturing jobs back to the US, again all under Biden) 


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