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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. XBOX... Lemij and Ghostz wee so sure you would beat PS5 this year...damn Top 10 Software for Dec.... 7 out of 20 are Switch exclusives. Top 20 for 2022. Horizon Forbidden West is in the top 10 best sellers of 2022 excluding bundles.... Remij and Ghostz were wrong yet again.
  2. Look at you defending a guy caught on tape and on txt message boasting about his crimes (grooming, raping, human trafficking). Not only that they investigated for almost a year before they arrested him. It wasn't an arrest simply on allegation. Yet without evidence you are quick to call other groups (not even individuals) but entire groups of people groomers. Hypocrite much Once the court case rolls around I anticipate more tears from your ass.
  3. Talk to millions of unvaxxed people that died during the pandemic and get back to me
  4. Yea the additional boosters coming out now shouldn't be for everyone unless you're immune Compromised or elderly etc. But that same vaccine expert says in that same article “Initially, everybody benefited from getting vaccinated and boosted. But we need to learn who benefits now.” As he said... Everyone benefited from getting the first vaccine and the first booster.
  5. These right wing clowns losing their shit about a imaginary gas ban... So easily duped 😄
  6. It's online for everyone too see and hear dipshit. Ramza defending groomers and rapist who got caught confessing on tape....you been in tears since your hero got arrested. Always knew you had no morals you slime ball
  7. Definitely Xbox. Their first party has been in shambles for two gens straight.
  8. Ramza still crying and defending alleged groomers and rapists simply because they're right leaning
  9. No it's not going to happen in 5 years, 10 years or whatever. They're not going to ban it... They will implement new regulations on gas stove manufacturing to make it safer (improve ventilation and Eliminate leaks etc). Only 38% of Americans use gas stoves, everyone has been moving past gas stove for decades now and that number keeps declining. But you will be still free to purchase a gas stove for you home if you want..it will just be a safer gas stove compared to the ones from years ago.
  10. Nah.. Just back up your claims. Where's the agency that said ban? Having trouble finding facts to back up the made up culture war you were told be mad about?
  11. No one said ban, immediate or otherwise. Still cant find the agency that said ban huh?
  12. Awww can't back up your claims that they were calling for a ban. Next time take the 2 seconds to actually read shit and educate yourself.
  13. Which agency is that? The same one from the article you didn't read which they never said they're going to ban it.... That one? And why you keep saying ban when the President or his administration never said gas stove ban?
  14. Don't play dumb. The Republicans are pushing the narrative that Biden and co are coming for your gas stoves. Right wing news papers are even saying Biden Admin is considering a NATION WIDE ban. (even though Biden already announced he isn't) but Who in Biden’s Admin is actually saying to ban gas stoves? The president isn't saying it.... The federal agency clearly said they not banning gas stoves. Yet, the right is pushing that dumb ass culture war "they're coming for your gas stove" nonsense that simpletons lik
  15. Actually reading the entire article is essential Cooke. the White House on Wednesday asserted that President Joe Biden does not support a ban on gas stoves Trumka told CNN the agency plans to open public comment on gas stove hazards, and noted the CPSC has not “coalesced” around a solution. It is still gathering information and preparing to ask for public input, he said. “We are not looking to go into anyone’s homes and take away items that are already there. We don’t do that,” Trumka told CNN. “If and when we get to regulation on the topic, it’s alwa
  16. I don't believe the agency is calling for an all out immediate ban in gas stoves.... Of course that doesn't stop Repulicunts from pushing another fake outage culture war BS that their base is eating up.
  17. Seems like he boasted about his crimes on every medium that can be monitored when your under investigation. They have phone calls, voice mails, Text messages, his website where he bragged about the lover boy grooming he did etc What a dumbass
  18. Yes it matters...That's why they raided him and that's why the charges he will be looking at will be different. His actions changed his intent hence the difference and that is something they will be looking at. Whether or not it will be proven is another story because this wasn't a discussion about the verdict since the situation is still under investigation.
  19. You're confused.. I didn't say his intent was proven.. I said it signaled intent and because of his actions hence the raid and the various charges they're looking into.
  20. They would have given him a slap on the wrist, but once he obstructed, fabricated and withheld... That signaled intent and knowingly mishandling.
  21. It wasn't public information about Trump having the classified documents for almost two years. Had Trump turned over all the documents like they had asked him to and had he not obstructed the investigation there would have been no raid.
  22. The red light breaking is common thread. The car accident and the people getting injured is the lying and obstruction.
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