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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You asked the difference between the two... It qas explained to you.... Now you're moving on to which of Trump's potential charges are more serious than his list of charges? Lol By the way that was a Terrible analogy. More apt analogy is... Person A breaks a right light...No one dies... Gets a red light ticket. Person A breaks a right lights, slams into another car people get injured... He leaves the scene of the accident. Get charged with breaking a red light, reckless endangerment and leaving the scene of an accident.
  2. Almost 13% of the unvaxxed deaths are from that age group... Yiiiiikes
  3. You said there was no difference in the situations.... We pointed out the differences and spelled it out for you.
  4. For that age group during the fall it's over 16x greater risk of death.... Yiiiiikes
  5. It plays into all the charges against Trump. Justice Dept. alleges "obstructive conduct" occurred at Mar-a-Lago after request for classified documents It became an issue after he refused to comply with the requests to return it. Bottom line... Both are being looked into.. But both cases are different because of how Trump handled it.
  6. GHOSTZ - "Bbbbut it decreased... Oh wait it increased from 6x (500%) to 53.2x....um um... Bbbut what about "
  7. Both incidents are being investigated already. Intent isn't irrelevant. Trump's refusal to comply, lies and obstruction and his own bone head statements he made about it kinda speaks to intent.
  8. So you did fail math... Lmfao 500% greater risk = 6x greater risk. It increased from 6x to 53.2x the risk.... I'll let your dumbass try to calculate the percentage greater risk on that....
  9. There's a difference between obstruction and compliance doofus.
  10. It wasn't a "big deal" with Trump for almost 2 years between the documents being found and the raid. But he refused to cooperate, lied about what he had and how much he had and refused return the documents... Then it became a big deal. Has he returned it, it wouldn't have been an issue as it didn't become and issue until he withheld it.
  11. During the spike times of covid spread (fall and winter) the rate increases dramatically compared to the rest of the year. CDC data for first part of fall. "During October–November, unvaccinated persons had 13.9 and 53.2 times the risks for infection and COVID-19–associated death, respectively, compared with fully vaccinated persons" 13.2 and 53.2 times the risk of infection and death for unvaxxed people during the fall..... yikes
  12. Bbbut it's not a huge difference.... Oh wait it's 500% difference. Bbbut that difference doesn't matter anymore
  13. That's not what the number means you dumbass.... You skipped basic math I see. First you incorrectly claimed it wasn't a huge risk, when it's actually a 500% greater risk. Now this
  14. Did you do basic math in school? 1.2 per 100K is 6X greater than 0.2 per 100K That's 500% greater aka a 500% greater risk for unvaxxed than vaxxed.
  15. And YouTube opinion pieces are infallible word of god according to you. You're at the point where you're trying to discredit peer reviewed research and propping up pure nonsense blogs and vids. You're a certified idiot.
  16. Why are you attacking Cooke like that, unprovoked too.
  17. Tucker Carlson lmfao. He was just parading a letter to the editor opinion piece that got its information from some random blog as a peer reviewed study.....straight up lies and misinformation... Legit source of information right there
  18. Actually yes.. Peer reviewed studies are the gold standard you dumb shit. As far as scientific research what's the higher standard? YouTube blog vids and opinion pieces? Cooke - "Peer reviewed intensive studies bad.... YouTube videos, blog and opinion pieces....the word straight from god."
  19. Summary All vaccinated groups had overall lower risk of dying from COVID-19 and testing positive for COVID-19 compared with people who were unvaccinated.. The end
  20. You saying it 12 times doesn't make it true, maybe try saying it again 10 more times.. That might work
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