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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. The data doesn't say that... You saying it 11 times doesn't make it true. Unvaxxed in general have greater risk of dying. The end.
  2. Again you're randomly bringing up Trans in unrelated Threads. You can't help but profess your love of all things Trans. You go boy.
  3. 50% in the UK alone. The UK is not all of Europe (Italy, Germany, Spain etc)... That 80% number is for across all of Europe you ignorant clown
  4. No you're just retarded. Gameindustrybiz does weekly UK charts and monthly European charts from time to time. As his recent tweet said.... 80% across Europe.
  5. Hey dipshit, the August tweet is for the UK alone. The current tweet is for the entire of Europe. Ghostz
  6. Lmfao, that shit will blow over by next week and people will move on. He bought Mark of the wolves... That was a good collectors purchase.
  7. That's how much SMTV is selling for now on Switch? Damn it...should have kept my copy instead traded it in after playing it.
  8. Was just about to post this. On the announcement they said "We are going to build a team where we really encourage them to take creative risks" They were tired of making the same Forza games every year for over 7 years so they left to make a studio where they can take creative risks with new projects. https://www.gamesindustry.biz/playground-games-leaders-form-new-aaa-studio-maverick-games Massive lemming ownage.
  9. Turns out it wasn't a study.. It was an opinion piece letter sent to the editor.... And they opinion piece writer got the information from some random blog...
  10. Ramza got molested in the conversation they were having.... Call the cops.
  11. Not moot as unvaxxed are still at a higher risk of dying and or severe outcomes. we still see that unvaccinated people are at much greater risk of death and other severe outcomes than people the same age who have stayed up-to-date on boosters.
  12. Read what he is responding to dip shit. Ramza got molested
  13. Can you read? Efficacy means effectiveness.... It prevented you from dying from the most deadly strains of the virus.
  14. You're missing the nuances. Remember the highly deadly and contagious strain that was around 2 years ago? Well the vaccine has an over 95 or 96 efficacy against that and the vaccine saved millions of lives from catching and dying from that strain. You're talking about the variants and mutations of the virus that thankfully is weaker than the previous strains.. The vaccine effectiveness against those aren't as good because the the mutations to the virus. But to take that and say the vaccine wasn't effective against Covid19 as a whole is a flat out lie.
  15. Daaaamn Ramza got molested with this post... Someone call the authorities
  16. You're the one comparing the summer protests to trying to stop the peaceful transition from one President to another as equal like the simpleton you are. So I pointed out that the ones that broke the law in the summer are facing consequences just like the Jan 6th nut jobs that stormed the capitol You thought you had something but you don't
  17. You did..... Im on mobile.. I'll find it when I'm on my PC... But Now once I post it.. What will be your excuse or deflection? Get all your excuses and back tracking out the way now
  18. Those rioters in the summer got arrested and are serving their time in jail and paying their fines. The Jan 6th loons are being sentenced and serving their time in prison Your simple minded ass thought that you had something? Nice try simpleton.
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