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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. You can't be this stupid It's the fucking law dumbass. When the Feds or a government agency comes to a telecom requesting files, documents, surveillance etc.... Whatever resources the company used to fulfill the request they will be reimbursed for the time and resources used. It's not a payment, it's not a profit, it's a reimbursement you stupid cunt. "under U.S. law, companies receiving requests from legal authorities "can be reimbursed for fulfilling them." "under U.S. Code 18 §2706 "a governmental entity obtaining the contents of
  2. So you haven't seen full request and are just talking out of your ass about it. Just like I said.
  3. Go back and read my intial response to you. Now you read your previous response to this one. You proved my point...
  4. Have you seen the full request? Has he posted the full request? Have you read it? Or are you just speaking out of your ass as always?
  5. Lmfao.... He continues to prove my point again and again and again
  6. The chip manufacturing plants have already started being built. America is on track to be the Global leader in this once again Cry more bitch.
  7. Nah remember when you said it was for all republicans? Now today you know the difference.... How interesting When the said elected officials are inciting insurrections, claiming the election was a fraud after he lost, attacked his own VP, tried to steal an election by submitting fake electors, tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power to the new administration etc. Yes that's a threat to democracy.
  8. I mean all the chip manufacturers are building the factories as we speak. The bridges and tunnels etc are also being built etc as we speak. The Cars are being manufactured here in the US as we speak. Facts over feelings snowflake
  9. Again, who said there's a verdict? It's not my fault that you cannot read and comprehend. I said he is another one that gor arrested for grooming, trafficking etc.
  10. Andrew Tate is ANOTHER ONE that got arrested for grooming, trafficking and rape. Not my fault you can't read and comprehend sentences properly
  11. Nah that just the republicans imploding... As far as funding.. Luckily America isn't a third world shit hole like where you're from and we can afford to both Assist Ukraine and take care of home. America is about to be the world leader in chip manufacturing after Billions have been invested to bring that manufacturing back to the US. America's infrastructure got trillions invested in it and projects to rebuild and build new roads, bridges tunnels, modernize the entire infrastructure including fiber optics across the country etc are starting all over the c
  12. After claiming you didn't misuse the word and claiming you didn't double down on the misuse... You turn around and do it again Accusations? .... Dumbass.. The majority of the list I posted ARE RECENTLY CONVICTED AND OR ALREADY ACTIVELY SPENDING TIME IN JAIL for real grooming, pedo shit and trafficking. Facts over feelings snowflake
  13. You're just proving my point. You did care and do care... I brought up the speech to show that you do care about American politics... Don't pull that you don't care because you're Canadian Bullshit. You're finally starting to realize what a fucking fraud the GOP is and that they have duped all of you low information suckers. Hey retard in the speech he said he worked with tons of regular Republicans to get legislation passed and that its the MAGA extremists republicans that are a threat to progress and the Nation. Your dumbass thinks B
  14. Ramza is clueless on how alot of things work that's why he is constantly easily duped.
  15. Ohhh all of a sudden now that republicans continue to embarrass themselves you don't care about American politics. How convenient. Could have sworn you were making threads about American politics "the most divisive speech ever" Speaking of the speech.. Its strange how you somehow couldn't differentiate between a regular republican and the MAGA clown republicans when you were speaking about Biden's speech. Yet somehow today you all of a sudden know the difference between the two of them... Interesting.
  16. Ramza comes into these things with preconceived notions and responds based on what he projected on you instead of him responding to what you actually said. This fool does that shit all the fucking time too.
  17. This is what happens when you cater to the QAnon loons for 6 years... Now they think they deserve committee seats just because... And they're going to stall this shit and drag it out because they're not getting what they want..... Republicans in disarray
  18. Bbbbbbut full adults cannot be groomed, trafficked and raped You're so upset that your hero got arrested... So much so you're repeating his talking points
  19. First off I didn't get into that argument with you about LGBTQ or whatever nonsense you were pushing.... But I did chime in and get a good laugh as did everyone else at you incorrectly using grooming for weeks ANOTHER ONE..... Yes another one got arrested. Remember the list I posted of recent right wing clowns either politicians or some public figure who have either been arrested, charged and or serving time for grooming, trafficking, pedo shit etc.... Tate's ANOTHER ONE to add to that list...as he falls into the arrest category You do care
  20. Lmfao look at this crying bitch...getting all delusional and teary eyed😭 Bbbbut my hero got arrested All I've posted is what has happened so far... Both you and Ramza are in here going ape shit over that. Pathetic fucks... Lol
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