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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Mr free speech and all that even blocked links to other social media apps Until he realized there's a law in the EU that prohibits this type of censorship on social media... He changed course and claimed it was because he listened to the people Im not going to lie.... I predicted a shit show... But man... Musk has exceeded my expectations and done worse than I even imagined.
  2. I'm totally shocked that @Cooke@ doesn't care about this.. Just like he didn't care about the 2 Billion the Saudi gave to Jared WHILE he was working in the white house, or the millions in Chinese Patents granted to Ivanka WHILE she worked for the white house or that FTX also donated millions to Republicans...he doesn't care about this in the same very thread he made about FTX donations. He also doesn't care that the guy was arrested and charged even more than though he cared when he wasn't.
  3. Goukosan

    Tom Cruise

    Pretty sure the sound system in the theater destroys whatever you have at home as well.
  4. Twinblade did, so that means MS made the right call. Hopefully they replicate 2022 in 2023, at least Twinblade will be happy
  5. Lmfao. His own Twitter files cherry picker grew some morals after he rage banned journalists. If you don't agree with him you're not credible.. Musk grows more pathetic by the second.
  6. Cool story bro. MS first two years have been seller and this no MS first party games for 2022 is the way to go moving forward. Twinblade is right... MS doesn't need first party content.
  7. That's YOU. Your anecdotal situation doesn't reflect what the entire market wants. And as the Data shows the market wants high quality first party content... Hence why Switch and PS5 are breaking records left and right. It also doesn't reflect the manufactures stance. MS didn't purchase those studios for shits and giggles. They purchased them to have content in the long run. They're currently battling to purchase Activision... All this is because they know thwle current model of baying billions on a constant basis to prop up gamepass is not a sustainable
  8. Lmfao what a take. MS is subsidizing GP to the tune of Billions just to secure 3rd party games on the service. Whereas if they had first party exclusives on there MS wouldn't need to pay out the nose for games to be on GP because the first party games belong to them. It's not a sustainable long term unless MS starts putting out first party content. Why do you think they purchased all those studios? It's because they know long term they will need a ton of their own content.
  9. Of course you clowns don't care about getting hosed. That's the point... Gullible fucks
  10. "raking in easy money" you mean hosing his base by charging them money for the images that he just copy and pasted from the internet. Problem is... Alot of them are copyrighted.. And Trump sold copyrighted pictures without first purchasing it from the owner that's called theft doofus. The orginal image owners will rake in easy money Allright with the lawsuits that are about to come.
  11. His base is so fucking Gullible Paying 15K for free images.... Dumb as rocks.
  12. The beta has cross play I believe are you on it?
  13. I skipped 5 and the last SF I played for IV which played a little more traditional compared to 5 from what I'm told. This is my first exposure to how the new style SF plays. From what I've played it seems like a mixture of both chain and links. I'm still playing like it's IV and haven't gotten into how the new combos chain or link together so could be wrong. Will dive deeper into to it later tonight once the kids are in bed.
  14. Lol at you thinking I'm angry. Watching a movie with a woman in a theater is never passive entertainment but that's besides the point because it was a joke. Why are you so sensitive to a lil joke? Getting your panties all in a bunch. Take the stick out your butt chump.
  15. You game more than that on the daily and you can't take a few hours to go to take your girl friend to see Avatar 2?.... Ohh wait... I get it now
  16. What's hilarious is.. He made his comment in that thread... No one reacted.. No one quoted him... Everyone posted around him. I'm sure he expected a huge reaction "oh shit is DynamiteCop etc"..... But no one gave a shit
  17. What a comparison. Wow this is a new low.. Even for you.
  18. You keep repeating the doxxing lie. See my quoted post. Reporters posted the facts as reported by LAPD..... BAN.
  19. This is true. The minute Xbox finally releases one or two first party games and they GASP score decently... He'll crawl back out his hole again.
  20. Slow Jonny hit the nail on the head. He never grew up, same console war BS.
  21. Still mad at zero MS Games for an entire year of 2022 and Zero for Q1 20223...I see.
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