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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. This is a videogames board... And this is a thread about games releasing Q1. Of which nothing is on Xbox... Sorry that triggered you
  2. As mentioned earlier reporter investigate.. So reporters started noting that the LAPD threat management unit reached out to Musk reps and security team about the situation but at this point no crime report has been filed as yet. Mind you, the reporter stayed neutral and just was following the facts.... Banned for the post. Free speech and all that.
  3. No they were not. This is Musk back tracking now to save face. Time line. Musk has been at war with this site/s that post publicly available FAA information on jets for years. Problem is, the FAA data is public info so he couldn't do anything about it.... The site would point of people who claim to be environmentally friendly but their carbon footprint is greater than most everyone on earth. And for the record, flight record data is literally protected under the 1st amendment....and it's not real time location information... Free speech and all that.
  4. @-GD-X finally got around to getting back into Mario Rabbits sparks of Hope.... Loving it so far
  5. Musk is now banning Journalists. Free speech and all that jazz. @Cooke - "Bbbbbbut it's not true " Where is your fucking dumbass now? Dumb boot licking cunt... He just took it up a notch instead of banning regular people.. He is banning Journalists.. Specifically left leaning that critiqued him at one point or another. *update turns out they were pointing holes in his story... He got mad banned them... And is now slowly back tracking... Lmfao.
  6. $99 Trading cards Twinblade, Ramza, Saucer and Cooke... How many are guys ordering? The deluxe edition, the special edition or both?
  7. Those kiddy insults sound like you're in grade school
  8. he did state its a parody account.. As usual your slow ass doesn't read. Here I circled it for your dumbass. And I gave you multiple off Elon musk parody accounts getting banned examples you dense clown. Sit the fuck down you stupid cunt wad
  9. Bbbut it's not fair that we keep losing elections
  10. Man you're really not coping well with That Epic victory.... You keep making up shit to make yourself feel better about Apple losing.. Sad fuck
  11. All that spin for Apple taking a huge L to Epic
  12. No no no Cooke your slimy ass is not doing that today. Why does your bitch ass bring something up, get utterly destroyed and then you run away like a bitch ass like it never happened and then circle back around with some new dumb shit rinse and repeat? Then wait a few weeks and bring back up the previous thing you were just destroyed on and act like you're hearing it for the first time? You're not about create a narrative for me with that stupid ass video and then arguing against a stance I never took. I've already outlined to you how the e
  13. Response to your made up cope scenarios?
  14. Musk when from saying "be who you want to be for 8 dollars a month".... "comedy is legal again"..... "perm bans are bad" To banning anyone that did exactly what he said even after they put parody in the name. After a few weeks or so he back tracked on his orginal vision or this free for all is he is slowing implementing "new" rules that Twitter already had before. And after his followers pointed out to him that in only after a few days of owning Twitter he was doing the opposite of what he said he would do. Now run away you dumb cunt
  15. Why are you always weeks/months late and uninformed? Jeeuz. That's not actual verification dumb ass.... Can you read? That's just a blue check mark now, and anyone can pay for without Twitter verifying who you are doofus..... They gave a blue check mark to Jesus Christ for crying out loud So when I bump the posts with the parody accounts that got banned is your bitch ass going to tuck tail and run away as always? Of course you are
  16. Ghostz making up scenarios because Apple lost
  17. That Epic victory has you so pissed that you want Apple to leave European
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