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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Damn that Epic victory would force Apple to leave Europe? Rough
  2. Ghostz can now stop pretending that he hates fortnight
  3. Hey dip shit the previous system was an actual verification process. The current one is not where anyone can pay 8 bucks to have a blue check, why are you clueless about everything? Were you living under a rock or just willfully ignorant. And as I said accounts that stated it was parodies of Elon still got banned.. There are a few examples of that in this very thread and no im not doing your homework for your slimy ass.
  4. Before he took over blue checks were verified accounts that couldn't change their names Willy nilly because they were verified you stupid cunt. Even accounts that claimed to be parodies got banned for roasting him and his snowflake ass.. Lmfao. And before you play dumb there are examples in this thread of that and no im not going to do the work for you lr lazy ass.
  5. — Macron tell me you disagree just so I can see what a little bitch fake liberal you really are. You don't actually care about democracy do you? "Jack said one more violation and he can be banned"..... You're just constantly proving my point. As the video I posted show from the Jan 6th hearing, the Twitter employee said Trump broke the TOS so much that if he wasn't the President they would have banned him a long time ago. And as the video shows his supporters knew exactly what his tweet meant for them on January 6
  6. No during the Jan 6th hearing you saw the txts from the right wing "fair and balanced" media colluding with the government to put out propaganda.. Strange you didn't care about it then and strange that Twinblade still has caught up on the details of that story.
  7. "Free speechc and all that....Unless you are critical of Elon... Wait comedy is legal again... Unless you make a joke about Elon.... For those two infractions you deserve to be permed!!!.... Free speech baby
  8. No it wasn't a secret, all his and the company's donations were public record. You just didn't care that he donated millions to Republicans. You only cared that he donated to Democrats
  9. The thread backfired earlier when you didn't realize FTX donated 22 million to Republicans
  10. Lmfao... Wonder if he will delete this tweet like all the other tweets he deleted when he was wrong...
  11. @-GD-X not gaming related. Plus there a thread for this already on the political board.
  12. Twinblade still hasn't caught up to the Txt message story that broke months ago with Sean Hannity and Laura Ingraham.... "im not aware, haven't caught up" It's strange that Cooke doesn't care about this too... Real strange.
  13. The over world in NH3 sucked donkey balls, I don't understand why they even included that because it's so half baked. It seems like it was an afterthought in development. They should have done a NMH2 approach with an interactive map for you to move around on from stage to stage. The combat sections I loved as they are as over the as its supposed to be with NMH. The story didn't resonate with me at all, I knw NMH's story os supposed to be campy B movie stuff... But this shit was strait up goofy. Overall I would rate it a 7.5 because of the tr
  14. We're discussing what you SAID, stop playing dumb. Are you going to stand by your words or bitch out as always
  15. For it to get to its forecast it would have to sell gangbusters. You said it wouldn't get anywhere close to its forecast... Don't play dumb. Your slimy ass wants to back track... Bbbut I never said it wouldn't sell gangbusters Lying ass.
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