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Everything posted by Goukosan

  1. Stop playing dumb. His own supporters disagree with you. They knew exactly what his rallying cry meant. Not only that, let's not forget that WHILE the insurrection was going on, Trump the President of the United was live tweeting attacks against Pence the vice president of the United States. Trump's own staff testified about this, they also knew what he meant and what he was doing and it turned their stomach sour.
  2. Just like ghostz when you're wrong you hide like a lil bitch. Remember when we told you PS5 would sell like gangbusters once they had stock and you and Ghostz were adamant that it wouldn't happen Bbbut PS5 will come no where close to their forecast
  3. He's the top poster when MS comes in 2nd but at least outsells a console that is out of stock. But when MS has tons of stock + puts the series S on fire sale for $199 and they still come in DEAD LAST. All of a sudden "bbbbbut what you want me to say? "
  4. Microsoft had a next gen console on fire sale for $199 and they still came last
  5. Except for the part of him inciting an insurrection and inciting violence against the Vice President of the United States. Cooke went from just a few days ago stating that he doesn't defend Trump, to now defending Trump actions leading up the insurrection and during the insurrection. Despicable.
  6. You're not fooling anyone, you don't read beyond a headline so of course your dumbass thought it was real.
  7. So you admitted they're not new games but when I point it out you get mad? Lmfao
  8. I actually posted my list before making fun of Ramza's. I Never said take the thread seriously you lying sack of shit. I said at least post your list before you start your millionth Remij - Jerry go around. It took me and other posters saying to post you list multiple times before you actually posted it. Your first priority was to start a go a around
  9. Lol at you trying to spin the definition of old ports into new games... How fucking stupid are you?
  10. They're old games that just released on PC =/= new games dumb fuck
  11. Here you making shit up to try to start another BS argument. Never hyped any Wiiu releases on Switch as Switch had had more than enough new games every year
  12. That's great and all but those aren't 2022 games. You playing it years later doesn't make them new releases
  13. This reminds me of some posters on SW.... They see woke shit where it doesn't even exist.. Lmfao.
  14. Saying good job on bringing chip manufacturing home to America and supplanting China as the number one chip manufacturer in the world and bringing tens of thousands of tech jobs back to the US..... That's considered bootlicking? Lol
  15. I concur. Both Remij and Jerry are in here posting everything except their top 10 list. Their posts ITT amounts to spam at this point with no lists yet they're arguing with each other or criticizing other's lists. Just post your lists you two cunt wads.
  16. Samsung is a Koren company... But in any event.. the chips act will make America the number 1 chip manufacturer in the world. Thanks President Biden
  17. No that shows them discussing and making decisions about modding.... You know like the mod board right here on SW. You noticed after Twitter files 1...for some odd reason Musk and crew stopped showing you the tweets/tweet reference code that lead those accounts to be banned? Because people we're able to use web archive and find the hunter Biden related tweets and it turned out to be nudes. Which killed the entire Twitter files part 1 narrative that Twitter and the Biden Administration was collude to silence thw story because 1) It was nudes of a private citizen that
  18. Why are you so uninformed? Vaccine immunity doesn't meant 100% you dumb cunt. No vaccine under the sun is 100% never was and never will be. The CDC changed the wording back to what it originally was because dumb fucks like yourself somehow took vaccine immunity to mean 100%. “While there have been slight changes in wording over time to the definition of ‘vaccine’ on CDC’s website, those haven’t impacted the overall definition,” the statement read. "The previous definition could be interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case fo
  19. It's not that simple. E.g. No company in the US has the expertise to make the OLED screens and other parts that Samsung produce and supply to Apple. That's a totally different industry than microprocessor industry. It will take decades upon decades for any upstart US company to catch up to Samsung's expertise in this area. How can Apple dictate where Samsung a non US company manufacture's it's products? Now multiply this by all the other components in a phone which touch upon a bevy of different industries.... Its not
  20. It didn't, it was quite obvious you can't even partake in a regular thread about top 10 lists that you have to bait and engage in another Remij and Jerry go around for the millionth time.. unprovoked to I might had. I posted what I posted so that you would come off it and actually partake in the thread and post your top 10 for the year.
  21. Your top games this year on PC are old PlayStation ports ranging from 3 to 6 years ago over new games....lmfao.
  22. 1) Bayonetta 3 2) Elden Ring 3) Xenoblade 3 4) Kirby the forgotten land 5) Mario Rabbits sparks of Hope 6) TMNT: Shredder's Revenge 7) Cup Head: Delicious last course 😎 MWII 9) MH: Rise Sunbreak 10) Horizon Forbidden West
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